
Well Known Member
Thought I was going to tear the nose wheel off last time I landed.

Currently has the anti splat nose job 1 and sealed bearing upgrade. Put a new nose tire on about 3 months ago and haven't had any issues.

Breakout TQ is on the higher side. Trying to drill a second hole for the cotter pin. If the break out is too high will that also cause shimmy?
Don’t overlook the mains. Verify they are not out of round and well balanced. Balancing the mains eliminated my nose gear shimmy.

……. If the break out is too high will that also cause shimmy?

NO. As Carl said….it is difficult to know if nose or main. For me…left main was my nemesis. If not already, pump up the tires…me 40lbs x3. If already up in this region, reverse, let some out. I also added breakout lbs. Only potential might be a little more pad wear , due to more breaking to instigate the turn. Me, No ill effects at all. They’ll all different in this regard it seems. Good luck.
My -8A also has a shimmy between about 20 and 25 knots. I thought it was the nosewheel as well, until one time it happened on landing rollout with a passenger. That time I was able to keep the nosewheel off until almost down to taxi speed, and the shimmy happened. So in at least my case, it’s not the nosewheel. Keeping the mains at 42 PSI seems to prevent it, but I haven’t delved further into it as far as tire balance and roundness.
Gear leg stiffeners

If the mains are a potential culprit what about the wooden stiffeners on the mains?