
Well Known Member
I just noticed a note on Van's web page. It appears they have a some -8A QB kits in stock. If anyone was thinking of ordering, this might be the time.

(snide comment about nosewheels deleted :p )
And this is why there are no 8 QBs around :( Some sort of muddle between Van's and the Phillipines over 8 v 8a :eek:
When I talked to Van's in November, they said they had both -8 and -8A QB's on the boat that was due in Dec. Now it seems they've sold all the -8's (I got one :D ), and only have -8A's left. I wonder if that says anything for the popularity of the nosewheel.

Seriously, does anyone happen to know what the ratio of -8 to -8A is? I'd bet there are more nosewheels in the newer side by side models, but I doubt it works what way for the -8. Could be wrong though.