
what solutions for the nose gear "nod" to and fro. I have put on new tire, balanced tire and wheel, tried different air pressure----
several solutions

Most recent is ball bearing installation by antisplat aero. Also grove makes a different wheel with better axle setup. I have axle spacer made by i think matco. seems to help but i still have significant drag from the seals. Antisplat solution looks the best to me now.
Also check that the nut is tight at the top of the nose gear leg (where it
attaches to the motor mount). I use the Grove nose wheel and run the tire
pressure at 42 lbs. I also adjust the break out force to about 32 lbs.
Works for me, YMMV
My shimmy was pretty bad

Had Allen at antisplat do his ball bearing treatment to it and it rolls so much smoother, worth every penny.
