Flying again!

Well Known Member
My Mom turned 83 and needed to get up to Muskogee, Ok to my sisters where they would take her for the weekend to Branson, MO.

Original plan was for my sister to drive 4.5 hours down to pick her up and drive back due to the weather. Well as luck would have it the weather cleared for the day and I flew her up! She was thrilled to fly, especially since we were at KMKO in an hour 6 minutes, beat 4.5 hours driving!

She was thrilled with the flight and was able to get in the front seat despite having 2 knee replacement surgeries last year!

RVs are great time machines and I hope I will still be flying when I turn 83!:)


Keep making those memories with your mother. My mother loved to fly. The first time she flew to Atlanta from Ohio with Vic she said she didn't enjoy it because she flew straight and level. He had to take her back up to do a roll. As she aged it was harder to get her in and out, but she always wanted to go.
As she aged it was harder to get her in and out, but she always wanted to go.

Getting into the front of the -10 takes some flexibility and balance. I think when I pick her up tomorrow I will take a step to help her reach the wing walk and then suggest getting into the back since it is simple to just step down and step out - much easier than the front.

Knowing my Mom she may insist on getting in the front again since she does not want to put limitations on herself or have others tell her what she can't do. ;)

She really enjoys the reactions of her friends when she tells them she is going flying in an Experimental aircraft!

I was thrilled to meet your Mom. She struck me as really young at heart, so the flight must have been a real blast!