
Well Known Member
Hi guys,

I came across this one. Couldn't find any more info on it, but WOW. That low profile canopy really transforms the looks of the -8.

Educated guess - other than losing 2 feet of height, what would be involved to allow any occupants in this setup?



I like the look of this too. If I ever find anything, I'll come bak and reply here. Wish I could help.
Love that speed screen, wonder whether that forward part can be retrofitted to an existing std canopy and what effect it has on the std fwd baggage hatch? Anyone?
Francis Butler

This airplane is in Fargo, ND.
Don't know him personally.
Never comes to Fly-ins.

Jim Gray (Bronze Lindy) and Bob Markert (Silver Lindy) of Denver (KBJC) both have that windscreen as well. Neither of them modified the baggage door to my knowledge. The rest of the bubble is installed as high or low as the builder makes it.
Jim Gray (Bronze Lindy) and Bob Markert (Silver Lindy) of Denver (KBJC) both have that windscreen as well. Neither of them modified the baggage door to my knowledge. The rest of the bubble is installed as high or low as the builder makes it.

Are you saying that the rest of the bubble - the slider - is the standard Vans canopy?
Are you saying that the rest of the bubble - the slider - is the standard Vans canopy?

I don?t know that plane or the builder so can?t say for certain, but the canopy is most likely a Vans canopy as there aren?t many other options. Now that Todd has flown west, I?m not sure there are any other options. The stock front bow and slider frame could easily be trimmed down if a builder so desires and I know that some have done that. It?s steel and plastic...make it look the way you want it to look in the end.
I think the one in the OP looks better than the Contrary Mary version. The CM version is too long in my opinion. YMMV
I fitted such a flat wrap windscreen to my RV-8 without need to modify the baggage door. You just fit it to intersect the fuselage short of the baggage door.
Bought mine from Airplane Plastics.
I don?t know that plane or the builder so can?t say for certain, but the canopy is most likely a Vans canopy as there aren?t many other options. Now that Todd has flown west, I?m not sure there are any other options. The stock front bow and slider frame could easily be trimmed down if a builder so desires and I know that some have done that. It?s steel and plastic...make it look the way you want it to look in the end.

Lance Logan took over Todd?s business and is producing 8 canopies. Picked mine up a few months back.
How's the quality of the canopy that Lance Logan is producing? Last I remember in a post here somewhere he was working on figuring out the workings, assume he's gotten it figured out. What's the best way to contact him.