
Active Member
Wingtip deforming at cruise, guessing there’s a stiffener missing?


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Article too

There?s also an article called ?Tips for tips? in the articles section to add further stiffeners, but it looks as if you?re missing the wingtip rib.
Are you the builder?

Morning Brent,

Just curious if you were the builder or you purchased the aircraft like that?


Hey guys,

I am assisting a friend in test flying/flying off his 40 hours, so squaks are expected.

Can someone tell me if the stiffener is a factory supplied part or do we need to manufacture it?

The builder is currently out of pocket so I cannot ask him.

Any help/quick pic of the plans would help.

Thanks again!

Brent Middleton
[email protected]
Five seven 5- 513- 729 zero
Gotcha. Yes, from the plans I can now see that the factory parts are there. The article tips for tips shows using additional reinforcement via dowel rods glassed in which seems like the way to go.

Random thought; has anyone considered using spray foam? You would have to leave space for it to expand outwards and not top to bottom to prevent distorting the tips...
Gotcha. Yes, from the plans I can now see that the factory parts are there. The article tips for tips shows using additional reinforcement via dowel rods glassed in which seems like the way to go.

Random thought; has anyone considered using spray foam? You would have to leave space for it to expand outwards and not top to bottom to prevent distorting the tips...

Spray foam has a bad history in filling wingtips. It does weird expansion/contraction things. Use the search function and you'll find some examples.

You are correct as I may have misspoken. The factory piece that is between the tip and wing is there but the rib is not. Going to try to order those tomorrow.

Hopefully that?s the solution :)

Thank you.
So Brent and I are helping on the same RV-8.

The wing tip rib is missing on this build (each side). I guess the builder never installed them. Move the aileron out of the way and it is an open void in the wingtip. This is allowing the deformation. I was going to order the parts today.

Without having built, or having plans in hand I?m not sure what to order. W-412 one wing tip rib I?m relatively certain is missing. My question is do I need 2 of these one for left one right? Or is there a different part number? I imagine a different part # since I don?t believe they are symmetrical. The parts person at Vans didn?t know.

There is no left or right hand

So Brent and I are helping on the same RV-8.

The wing tip rib is missing on this build (each side). I guess the builder never installed them. Move the aileron out of the way and it is an open void in the wingtip. This is allowing the deformation. I was going to order the parts today.

Without having built, or having plans in hand I?m not sure what to order. W-412 one wing tip rib I?m relatively certain is missing. My question is do I need 2 of these one for left one right? Or is there a different part number? I imagine a different part # since I don?t believe they are symmetrical. The parts person at Vans didn?t know.


You will need two of the W - 412 ribs. There is no left or right hand on these parts. Per Vans parts list Circa July of this year those ribs cost $9.80 each. Refer to drawings 9A and 17A for more information about the installation of these ribs. In particular note section G-G on drawing 17A.
Shoot me a private message if you need the drawings or any other information. Be sure to include your email address in the private message.

This all helps a lot. 2 W-412’s on order.
Thanks guys.

Nice thing is this seems to be the most involved issue found so far.
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