Port location

I know the plans call for the static port abeam the wing trailing edge. Has anyone positioned the port more forward toward the leading edge of the wind screen?
I know the plans call for the static port abeam the wing trailing edge. Has anyone positioned the port more forward toward the leading edge of the wind screen?

If what you say is true, then there has been a change in the location of the static ports. The older models located the static ports in the middle of the tail-cone side skins. My older set of drawings have no Dwg 85. If someone has a PDF version of Dwg 85, I'd love to see one.
I have S/N83040 (end of 2009). I think I have DWG 85 and IIRC the plan tells that the static port locations are approx on the middle of the tail-cone side skins.
If you want Charlie, I can take a photo of DWG 85 for you when I'll be home (friday).
Charlie -

You are correct. I was going off memory and knew it was behind the wing line. My question is if anyone has put the static port forward and found any adverse affects.
