
Well Known Member
Anyone have a pic. of the manual aileron trim (installed) that Van sells.
Just woundering if it is worth installing.
Any thoughts would be appreciated !
81604 (N184SM Res.)
Do it!

I installed the manual aileron trim while building and use it almost every flight. With as little as .5 hr burned out of one tank, I will have to make an adjustment on the aileron trim. I wouldn't want to fly an RV without some form of aileron trim.


Same answer as above. Changed the nature of the plane when installed. There is a distinct feeling of crossed controls that comes with a little imbalance - a little fuel or a passenger. Also, RVs are quick on the controls so this bit of imbalance leads to a significant roll rate if unattended - like when looking at a chart.
I installed manual aileron trim in a friend's completed RV6. I was very impressed by the ease of installation, the simplicity of the trim, (springs to slightly bias the stick position), and the effectiveness in operation.
Thanks to all ... sounds like $75.00 well spent from all your replies.
I'll add to the fuse order!
I just bought the electric, but if I had to order again I'd go with the manual. Impluse buy I guess.
Here is a picture of my install. Haven't flown yet, but if it works as good as the manual trim in my six, I'll be really happy. What you can't see in this picture is the friction block. A slot in the block has a bolt thru it that sets the tension on the rod that goes thru the block. On my six (which is similiar) it took many flights to set the tension correctly. On my eight(a) i drilled a socket sized hole in the floor over the bolt so i could adjust it without removing the floors. The seat cushion should cover the hole so this is a ground adjustment only (in the six, you have to remove the floor). Also, I installed all the brackets on the ribs before they were in the jig (including the TruTrack roll servo bracket which they sent me without the rest of the autopilot, nice folks). Good luck.

Nice pic!
I'll try to remember your trick ("i drilled a socket sized hole in the floor over the bolt so i could adjust it without removing the floors").
Thanks Tom.
spring noise

does anybody else have troubles with the aileron trim springs making noise when you go hard over to hard over? If so, what was your fix

Yes. I just installed my aileron trim and found the same thing. I'm going to try to radius and polish the corners of the WD-807E weldment to see if that helps. Any other suggestions out there?
does anybody else have troubles with the aileron trim springs making noise when you go hard over to hard over? If so, what was your fix


Don't worry about it. You will never notice it when the engine is running,

If you install zip ties on the springs where they attach to the control tube it keeps the springs from jumping and make that obnoxious noise. I didn't believe until I tried it. Found the thread on here on how to do it exactly.
After building a -10, now going to build an 8. Recommendations for manual trim vs electric? The -7 I had for a few years only had manual trim and that was fine. Just wondering about which way to go in the 8.