Alan A

The other day I had lineman jump start my plane which had a low battery. Since then 8 gauges (old Vans steam gauges) (Tach, MP, Oil Temp, Oil P, Fuel R, Fuel L, Fuel P, Amm, Volt) do not work anymore. I took it to the avionics guy who checked grounding, fuses, switches and wiring, and no problem found. He took out a couple of the gauges and bench tested and said the problem is in the gauges.

I'm thinking a power surge during jump start may have fried them?
Question 1: Anyone experience this?
Question 2: Any recommendations for steam gauge replacements? Eventually I may go glass but right now I just need to get back in the air.
Question 3: Anyone have some old (but working) vans steam gauges they want to sell? As a diagnostic tool maybe I can replace a gauge with another original gauge and if it works then I'll know it really as the gauge and not something else. Right now I'm suspicious how all 8 gauges failed at the same time.
I was also wondering about the possibility of applying 24V. The only reasonable answer.
Van's engine/fuel gauges

Alan, I have all the Van's gauges you're looking for, just removed for panel upgrade. Send me a PM and we'll work something out.
Did he jump you with a 24v power cart accidentally?

That would be my guess. I assume those FBO units must have a 12/24 volt switch. I suspect that manyt aircraft getting support from an FBO are 24v and therefore the gear left in that configuration. Not surprising that he didn't mention the error to you. 24volts will fry most simple 12V electronic devices without sophisticated power supplies.

I suspect you had an avionics master that was off or have modern avionics that support 12-24 volts out of the box and that saved your avionics.

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Seen exactly the same thing happen many years ago to an older Cessna SE. No Avionics switch. Hooked up the batt, turned the batt switch on pulled the 'T' handle in the Cessna cockpit and I swear the prop turned quicker than a turbine at full song! Yep you guessed it 2x healthy truck type batts putting out 28 volts, burnt everything out, radios and all!