
Active Member
Can someone give me a rough idea of drill size, depth and number of holes (if applicable) I should anticipate to get my elevators balanced?

They are painted, mounted and nose heavy. Both left and right are the same. Roughly about 15 degrees down.

Just mark a point aft of the hinge line the same distance as the counterweight. Add fishing weights until it is balanced. That will give you an idea about how much material needs to be removed.
Can someone give me a rough idea of drill size, depth and number of holes (if applicable) I should anticipate to get my elevators balanced?

They are painted, mounted and nose heavy. Both left and right are the same. Roughly about 15 degrees down.


Are you going to hang them from a string to balance and do each side separately?

I applaud you for doing the balance after paint.

I did a calculation for the weight of the paint (about the same as the blue film) and added two weights to the aft inboard rib to represent the paint, then just removed them at the paint shop