
Well Known Member
I am finally going to tackle the canopy glass this weekend. have read everything I could find and have just one last question. Do I block open the canopy 1/8 of an inch before laying up the glass? Seem to remember reading that somewhere, but can't seem to locate it again.

Thanks all,

Dave I am doing mine "as we speak". What do you mean by "laying up the fibreglass".... trust you are talking about the skirting. Mine came ready made from Vans but need lots of trimming. There is a very fine computer scribed mark around fibreglass skirt and my cut was very close for a nice fit. So before I elaborate any more I will wait for your reply to see if we are "on the same page".
Not the skirts - the glass around the front windscreen and over the "big cut" line. Sorry for any confusion.

Not blocked

I just finished doing this. I did not "block" it open at all. I had sanded the windshield and canopy edges so they were almost "fingernail tight". Almost…not quite. I had a couple layers of electrical tape to serve as a "spacer", and figured that If I ever need more space…I'd sand off the front edge of the slider.
I think it came out well. It seems to close with a nice " thunk" sound, but I haven't peeled off all the tape yet. When I do, if it's too loose, there's always a way to add some felt, or caulk, or tape, or…

Just keep building'!
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correct.. not blocked open... that was to fit the skirts..

I bought a piece of shower panel trim L shaped from Lowes and trimmed to fit, and put it up at the back of the layover for a nice clean back edge.. bent up and over the canopy after I had a layer or 2 of duct tape on the canopy, then greased well with petroleum jelly. then closed canopy and laid in fabric/epoxy/ etc.
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