
Channel spacing 8.33 is coming rapidly in Europe. In 2017 all radio's should be 8.33 capable. Even worse, in The Netherlands the authorities like to be one step ahead.... which means the number of 8.33 frequencies is increasing. CTR's equipped with 8.33 spacing are prohibited for aircraft using "old radio's".

Garmin has made a BIG mistake by not providing a slide-in replacement for the SL40. Their advice to me was to build a new panel for a GTR 225. Sure!
The Icom 210E has the same dimensions as the SL40 and proved to be a perfect replacement. Priced at about ?1000, with the optional adapter MB113 for ?60, complying with the new rules took about 15 minutes. First impressions are that the radio performs equally to the Garmin.

Icom 210E and MB113 adapter:

Unscrew the bottom cover:

Disconnect the old rear panel:

Connect MB113:

Cover back in place:

Remove the SL40:

Slide in the new radio:
Great news!

Thanks for the great post! I'm in the same position as you: loving my SL 40 and would like a Garmin drop-in replacement.

Since Garmin haven't been listening to their SL-40 customers regarding a new 8.33 radio, it's good to see that Icom have a sollution! :D

Reading your post, it seems to me that the 210E can use the rest of your installation? (antenna-wire, antenna and mike switch?)

BTW: why isn't the 6th digit shown in the 210E frequency display? (just wondering...)

Thanks again.
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Be aware that some Icom A-210 radios have had squelch issues. Icom has made good on applying a fix at no cost as long as the radio is in warranty. Otherwise it is an excellent radio and I love the one I have.

The wiring is exactly the same, plug and play. Picture was taken at first start up, in the settings you can switch from 25 to 8.33.
Hi Victor,

That is a great fix if you only need the COM function. A friend who's RV 7 just did its first flight a few weeks ago has an SL-30, without any replacement option at the same size. He is also not really keen to recreate his panel.

We have a nice presentation about 8.33 spacing in Europe during the Experimental Days. It is the first weekend of July in EBLE:

I have a SL-30 and looking at all the options.
Either redo part of the panel (might work, not sure yet) or get some VHF without the NAV part.
In the last case there are a few options :
- PS Engineering PAR 200 (Audio Panel with TRIG VHF)
MGL radio is not an option in Europe it is not approved by EASA.
Still looking for the time being, I plan the change for winter 2016-2017.

Hello Victor,
I live in France and as you, I am in the same boat with my SL40, and no space on my RV6 panel to change it for a new and bigger com radio such as the (prohibitive) GTR 225.
I really don't understand Garmin marketing and politic and I am really angry about that....
I saw your post and this gave me hope to do the same but I don't see anywhere that the Icom 210 E is TSO'D, and therefore, cannot be mounted on my plane. I guess that with have to comply with the same EASA rules in The Netherlands as in France so do you have any information you could giive me about that ?

Thank you

Nicely done Victor,

Did two of those changes now but in both cases it was a replacement of the Bendix King KX-125. This radio is way bigger so it was a lot of work.
Icom changed the Molex connector, supplied in the box, changed also along the delivery.
The last version is one which needs to be soldered. This is a disaster. Informed Icom about it.
