
Active Member
I would appreciate any input from those who have flown both the 7A and the 10. How do the compare?

Mike Allen
Similar, but different.

I only have a couple hours in a 10 (thanks Alex!) and the major difference I noticed between it and my 7A is the roll response and stable feel of the 10. The 10 feels "large" and "stable". My 7A is stable, but roll response and pitch response are very quick.

The nose of the 10 gets quite heavy when you roll off the power, feels almost exactly the same as my 7A (mine is a bit nose heavy).

Approach speeds are almost identical and ground handling feels very similar.

Takeoffs were quite similar as well, the 10 left the ground in a hurry (as does my 7A).

Other than the size, they fly almost exactly alike. :D)

Just MHO.

Dirtbos said:
I would appreciate any input from those who have flown both the 7A and the 10. How do the compare?

Mike Allen
N131RV said:
The nose of the 10 gets quite heavy when you roll off the power, feels almost exactly the same as my 7A (mine is a bit nose heavy).

I don't experience this with my RV10. When power is reduced on the landing rollout the nose settles in nicely....solo or loaded.

N131RV said:
Other than the size, they fly almost exactly alike. :D)

My experience differs.....they are totally different airplanes IMO. Kind of like a fast dirt bike (7) and a Super Glide (10). 2 different planes for 2 different missions.

I have built both. I concurr with the last post.In my limited experience with GA aircraft, the RV-10 is a joy to fly......unlike high wing 4 placers. The RV-7A is sportier; more fun to fly.
I have about 15 hours in an RV-6A,6 and 7A as well as 235 hours in an RV-10 and yes they are different but the same. The 10 in cruise has a much heavier stick by design. The 7 is light all the time. Both have great visibility, great acceleration on takeoff and land about the same speed. Roll rate on the 10 is about half that of an -7 like other have mentioned.

You really need to go fly both and see for yourself. Spending the money to fly with Mike Seager or Alex D. for a day in both would not only be great training but would make you feel very confident in your decision. Then, go fly a Cirrus or 182 after the RV-10 to see what Van has been able to create in a 4 seat aircraft. It really is a joy to fly and you can take 3 friends, golf clubs and gear for a weekend trip.

This is my best analogy.



(Photos from the Porsche website)
I just sold my RV 7A after about 180 hours. I have about 25 hours in a RV 10. The 7 is a lot sportier and lighter on the touch. It's a delight to fly. The 10 is much heavier feeling for sure. That's compared to a RV 7 though and not to a Cessna 210 (800 hours in a 210). The RV 10 is clearly more fun than the Cessna, but it's a tough sell against a 7. If you need the room the RV 10 is the way to go. Both get off the ground well and fly fast on very little fuel. If you are going to X-country in the 7, would definitely get an autopilot that includes altitude.