Tim 8-A

Well Known Member
Before I start this change I thought I would see if there is anything I’m missing.
I recently purchased an 8a with almost perfect panel. I currently have a G3X touch screen with a GTN 650xi and a GTN650. The one thing I would like to improve is the moving map, the split screen on the G3X is a little smaller then I like. I am planning to remove the 2 nav/coms and install a GTN 750xi and a remote GTR 20. What will I be giving up?
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Before I start this change I thought I would see if there is anything I’m missing.
I recently purchased an 8a with almost perfect panel. I currently have a G3X touch screen with a GTN 650xi and a GTN650. The one thing I would like to improve is the moving map, the split screen on the G3X is a little smaller then I like. I am planning to remove the 2 nav/coms and install a GTN 750xi and a remote GTR 20. What will I be giving up?

It all depends on what your mission is. While the 750xi gives you a lot of screen real estate, it also reduces your redundancy. If your 750xi goes out, you won't have the ability to shoot an approach as its your GPS/NAV/COM in one. With your current setup you at least have a backup.

Annual database subscriptions will be less with a single 750xi.

Do you have room for an iPad mini running Garmin Pilot connected to the 650 via a FlightStream 510? (https://www.garmin.com/en-US/p/155337)
OnePak ?

Doesn’t the OnePak™ | Databases for the entire aircraft, Garmin portable and Garmin Pilot™ - all for a single annual price give you the ability to upgrade 2 GTN’s ?
If you want a backup with IFR approaches consider the aera 760 portable. It can interface to the GTN via MAPMX or revert to stand alone navigation.
New Display Equipment

Before I start this change I thought I would see if there is anything I’m missing.
I recently purchased an 8a with almost perfect panel. I currently have a G3X touch screen with a GTN 650xi and a GTN650. The one thing I would like to improve is the moving map, the split screen on the G3X is a little smaller then I like. I am planning to remove the 2 nav/coms and install a GTN 750xi and a remote GTR 20. What will I be giving up?

Good Morning,

If you have the panel space, a second G3X Touch screen is an option for you. This will provide you with the increased screen real estate you are looking for, at a significantly lower cost. You could consider one of the smaller displays, GDU 450 or GDU 470.

The Navigation database for the GTN (Xi) is what is required for IFR flight using the equipment you currently have on board. It is roughly $300 per year. You can purchase all of the databases for the G3X Touch (any number of displays) for a total of $150 per year. The G3X Touch displays are much cheaper to keep up to date databases on.

Let us know if you have any other questions.


I agree with the 2nd G3x screen if you have the room but the 750 is a nice upgrade to the 650. Same functions with the intercom added.

By the way, if you want to sell the 650- I’m interested!

Good luck!
Unfortunately I don’t have room for a second screen.


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Unfortunately I don’t have room for a second screen.

You could probably keep both 650's if you upgraded to a 10.6" G3X. You'd still have to split the screen but you'd have a lot more screen real estate to do so.

Of course you'd have to eliminate the dedicated engine monitor and probably swap the transponder for a remote unit but...

Possibilities :)

Here's a pic Walt recently posted:
