
Well Known Member

OK builders, it?s true. Do something on the project every day (in my case, days per thing is the practical unit of measurement) and eventually you really can?t think of anything else that needs to be done before calling in the DAR.

No squawks from the inspection and paperwork in order?748PK is an airplane as of Monday January 21st, 2019. Ordered the emp kit December 26, 2005 and went ultra-slow build all the way, partially dictated by sending two kids thru college in the intervening years.

Had the privilege of introducing myself to Ironflight, who was the speaker at EAA Chapter 663?s annual dinner, on Saturday night. Our chapter VP told Paul to give me his best advice ahead of the upcoming inspection, and he said, ?Jam nuts! Vic Syracuse is on an absolute tear?.? Happy to report they were all snug and striped when I checked (again) Sunday night!

Kurt----congrats on the newest Vans "Aero-plane"

Good luck in phase 1.
Kurt, Big Congrats! Now it gets really fun and build work load drops off considerably. :) Tell Vic that jam nuts will always become loose, "it's a mechanical thing", put some Loctite on those.
Congratulations on your completion, what an accomplishment!

We'll be waiting for some pictures or a video detailing your first flight.

Your DAR looks very familiar. :D I'm buttering him up yet to inspect mine in a couple of years!

Good luck with your first flight! OAK is within a 25 mile radius if you want to fly it in to show her off!
Good job Sir good job! This would be said by my late buddy you probably knew too. Safe air seminars together if I am not mistaken?.. Happy testing and please keep us informed how it goes Kurt.

Welcome to a special breed of aircraft owners. If you want, come over to KCCR and show off your plane to our EAA Chapter 393. 19 NM from KLVK. Breakfast meetings and safety meetings first Saturdays of each month.

El Vice Presidente