Well Known Member
Considering a comment made on here about a 6A being very similar to a 7A and that some later 6A's have even had the 7 VS and rudder installed got me wondering. :confused: Has anyone here upgraded their 6A to the 7 VS & rudder and seen a difference worth the expense and time needed to make the conversion. I'm about at that point where it would still be pretty easy to make the conversion now but will it really make it better/safer? Would the money be better spent on Avgas??????:)
Just opinion here.......

The larger vertical tail gives more rudder authority.
But the larger tail causes the aircraft to need more rudder authority.
In my opinion, operationally it's a wash.
Classic tail (short/original) looks better and is lighter.
Please send $.02 to my favorite charity.
The larger vertical tail gives more rudder authority.
But the larger tail causes the aircraft to need more rudder authority.
In my opinion, operationally it's a wash.
Classic tail (short/original) looks better and is lighter.......

Mel, as usual, is right on. I had the same decision to make when building and went with the counter balanced -7 tail.

However, I do a lot of cross country in mine and I notice less tail shake in high speed cruise when upset by bumps.

IF I HAD IT TO DO OVER AGAIN, I would probably stick with the standard tail. Yes, spend the money on AvGas :D

As Mel stated, my $.02.

Here is a side by side pic of my -6 and Mike Weed's -6a with a standard tail, just for comparison.

(Credit: Ed Hicks photo)

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Yippy, more fuel

Thanks Mel & Garry. I guess putting a bigger tail on the 6 would be like putting a roof rack on a Ferrari. Ya just don't screw with a perfect design. :D:D
8 rudder for 6's

Late model 6's had the 8 VS & Rudder and you can order a kit catalog number 8-rudder-N-VS for $675.00, at least the last time I checked. If you call Van's about putting a 7 VS & rudder on a 6 they advise this 8 kit.
Mixed parts - not -8s

Thanks Mel & Garry. I guess putting a bigger tail on the 6 would be like putting a roof rack on a Ferrari. Ya just don't screw with a perfect design. :D:D

I installed the 'larger tail' on a 1997 QB kit with a former 'classic tail' (have the VS in the garage still, no rudder). However, the 'larger tail' was simply the substitution of the RV-8/8A Vertical & Rudder, no change in HS. Available from Vans as a single line item to order, and it's a factory pre-punched kit, with 0.020" rudder skin. (And matching fairings). This rudder is notably larger as is the VS, but it's also counter-balanced. The total package is (some measurable amount heavier) and on a very long 'arm' for W&B considerations. Weight numbers not available.

At the time Vans Tech Support advised me that the -7 'tail' was NOT the appropriate substitution. In fact, they said that 'later shipments' of the RV-6/6A were shipped with this -8 VS/Rudder. If anyone orders the most up-to-date plans (paper) or the CD the part numbers will be for the -8 VS/Rudder assembly.

Since I'm a few weeks from first flight it's inappropriate to comment on flight characteristics. But it's more than cosmetic preferences.

I suspect that -6 owners have a different perspective on performance than -6A owners. And those who have flown both can comment on apple-to-apple differences more authoritatively.
For what it's worth.

When the 7 first appeared at Oshkosh I was crushed and figured I would be abandoned by Vans. Well that never happened and they still support us 6/6A builders like it was still in production. What I did learn that day from a Vans employee was that the only reason they went to the 7/7A was to be able to share production parts with the 8/8A. It was just a matter of economics and that Van himself still preferred the 6/6A design since it was a clean sheet design and not something that had to fit together using other common parts for another model. He said Van even liked the squatted stance of the 6A more than the 7A because he said it would get off a little easier. He might have just been blowing smoke up my tailpipe but it sure did make me feel better that day.:)