
Active Member
Hi Everyone,
I will be coming out to San Antonio/Austin TX area next weekend (Oct 30-Nov3) for my girl's bday/Halloween party. I was wondering if anyone had a -7 and could take me up for a ride? I've never been in any RV, haven't flown since a layoff a couple months ago and will buy fuel and lunch. I'm interested in building the -7 so that is the motivation for that model, however, I would greatly appreciate a flight in anything whether it's a 4, 6, or 8. :D

Thanks in advance!
Bo Landess
I can't offer you a ride, but...

Hi Bo,

While I can't offer you a ride in -7 (at least not for a few more years), you are welcome to stop by and take a look at a -7 empennage in progress. Seeing the construction in progress may help you make more sense out of the preview plans.

Thank you!

Hi Ethan,
Thank you for the offer! I will do my best to make it over but the girlfriend has alot of plans for the weekend and my flight (if I get one..) will be cutting it close anyway. I will let you know if there is a time I will be able to come by. Will you PM me your phone number and I will let you know 24 hours in advance of my plans.

Thanks again!
Hi Rick,
That would be great! I will find out from her tonight when we will be in Austin and I'll make sure you know as soon as I do.

Thank you and I look forward to meeting you!