
Well Known Member
In the FF kit plans, there are items that say "RV-7/9 Only". Do these also apply to the 7A/9A models?
In the FF kit plans, there are items that say "RV-7/9 Only". Do these also apply to the 7A/9A models?

No. That would be Van's speak for taildragger only. The A models with have an alternate set of instructions for those differences between the configurations. For example, the gear (obviously) is very different and thats how they document the differences.

At least thats my observation about halfway through the build.
Hmm... the first 2 items on the firewall forward kit that say 7/9 only are "drill the hole for the engine breather tube clamp and install the platenut" , and "ES PC680 Install Kit" (Odyssey Battery box kit). Why wouldn't these also apply to the -A models ?

Hmm... the first 2 items on the firewall forward kit that say 7/9 only are "drill the hole for the engine breather tube clamp and install the platenut" , and "ES PC680 Install Kit" (Odyssey Battery box kit). Why to the -A models ?

The 'A' engine mount is a bit different than the standard mount. I found on my FWF plans some things were interchangeable between 9 & 9A, but other things were not. Work with the 9A only plans first(carb vs injected) and then look to the other plans to fill in the blanks. You will see that on the IO Sheets there are different locations for fuel lines, firewall electrical locations, etc., same with 9 vs 9A locations. Also you might find that with your mount on the firewall some things are more convienently located elsewhere than where the FWF plans indicate. The locale for your battery box is on your master plan set.
The aircraft extras http is for slider versions.
Mike H 9A/8A
Hmm... the first 2 items on the firewall forward kit that say 7/9 only are "drill the hole for the engine breather tube clamp and install the platenut" , and "ES PC680 Install Kit" (Odyssey Battery box kit). Why wouldn't these also apply to the -A models ?

Could it be because the -A models use a different engine mount and the nose gear portion of the mount will dictate different locations of firewall-mounted components?
builders choice

The Odesey <sp> battery is an option on the "A" models. Van sends both mounts with the kits.
