
Well Known Member
Hi All,

You know the question. Where to place it...

Here is Dan's:


The other place I seem to recall people putting it is in the top corner, closest to the main spar.

Pro's? Con's? Indifferent?

Also, I have some electrical ENT (Electrical NON-metallic Tubing) know, the blue stuff for class 1 wiring leftover from a job and was wondering the difference between that (UL listed) product and the other stuff that Van sells and others use.

Anyone have any advice?

Paul Trotter, I see you are online right now. How are your wings coming along?

BTW, here are mine:


:cool: CJ
OH wait one...

Looks like Dan went and placed his in the corner:


Same question though...

Does everyone agree on this location?

:confused: CJ
The location just aft of the first lightening hole on the lower area of the ribs ( as in the first picture you showed) is where I put it in my 6A and it has worked well for me. Is this blue stuff you have for a conduit corrigated? The stuff Vans sells is and sometimes can be a pain fishing wires through. Main thing you have to consider with whatever you use as a conduit is weight.

Looks like you are making good progress on your wings! I better get my 6A finished up soon or you will be in the air before me! :eek:

Hi Jeff!

Yes, it is (unfortunatly) corrugated. I know the stuff Van sells is also. It is quite light as well. I think I may use it. I will post a pic later and show you what it looks like.

Another question...

When do these platenuts get installed?


I don't wanna box myself in.


:confused: CJ

I am just about to rivet the skins on my wings. The leading edges are riveted and the tanks are done. I put the electrical conduit where Van's suggests: I used their conduit. It is much lighter and more flexible than the blue corregated stuff. I opened up the holes just enough so that I could pull the conduit thru without too much effort. I will put a litttle RTV on it to hold it in place.

Those platenuts can go in anytime, but you may find it easier to drill the Z-brackets for the tanks before you put them on. Use Dan C's method for the Z-brackets. It is much better than Van's. You can find it on his site.

Do you have IM (AOL or Yahoo)?
Cool Paul,

Thank you!

Yes, I do have AOL AIM. IM me at jsannizzar on the AOL network.

Shoot me a message with your IM and I will put you in my buddy list.

:) CJ
Don't Copy Mine!

Captain_John said:
Here is Dan's:

Please do yourself a favor and DO NOT copy mine. See the Construction FAQ on Van's web site that talks about pitot tubing and wiring hole locations.

LOW and AFT is key. My preference is below and aft relative to the big aileron pushrod (front) lightening hole in the wing rib.

The problem with where I ran mine is that it "dead ends" into the F-704 side doubler and has to joggle at best.

Low and aft you can run it straight into the fuselage with no obstructions.

)_( Dan
RV-7 N714D
Cool, It's a PLAN then!

I will go low and aft like Van says. On that PDF, it shows a 0.75" hole. My ENT is 7/8" diameter, so I will use Van's conduit instead. I suppose it could go larger, but what the heck... less is sometimes more!

Thanks guys!