
Well Known Member
The email below just came in from Dave "Hog" Klages....hope to see everybody at Chino in May!

)_( Dan

Info & Hangar Map Here: http://www.rvproject.com/chino_flyin.html

This is the first announcement for the Southern California Wing Van's Air
Force 6th Annual "Impromptu" RV Fly In at the Chino Airport (_KCNO_
(http://www.airnav.com/airport/cno) ), coinciding with the _Planes of Fame Airshow_
(http://www.planesoffame.org/airshows.php) .
The date of the event is Saturday, May 19, 2007, and you are encouraged to
arrive prior to 10:30 AM, as the tower will close for arrivals about 11:00 AM
(check NOTAMs the day of the event). The exact time will be confirmed in a
future announcement. The Airshow will also be held on Sunday, May 20, but we will
not have a formal RV Flyin that day, but anyone is welcome.
All RVs will be able to park around Hangar K, where Dan Checkoway, Brad
Peacock, and I have our hangars. We can park on both sides of the taxiway on the
northside of hangar K, and a portion of both sides of the south side. We will be
posting a map showing where hangar K is, but for a description, hangar K is
the third hangar down from the north of the eastern most row of hangars. When
you land, tell ground control (121.6) that you want to taxi north on taxiway
"Charlie" to taxiway "Golf", and when you turn west on Golf, you will be facing
hangar K.

My friend and hangar neighbor, Dick Bertea has graciously agreed to let us
use his hangar which has four bays/ doors on the north and south, where we can
sit and watch the AirShow while sitting in the shade, which is very cool;
We will have hamburgers and hot dogs available with chips and soft drinks.
We will also be encouraging you all to support the Planes of Fame Air Museum
for putting on a world-class airshow, with the emphasis on WarBirds. We will
have a block of tickets to sell that will be the "good guy" price.
We had a terrific turn out for the Cable 2nd "Occasional" RV Fly In in
February, and we hope to have at least the same turnout for our 6th Annual
"Impromptu" RV fly In at Chino.
We would like to get a head count so we will have enough food and drink, so
we would appreciate your response.
See you there.
The Chino RV Power Squadron
* Dave Klages - "Hog" (RV-8 and Cub)
* Dan Checkoway - "Sharpie" (RV-7)
* Brad Peacock - "Wingnut" (RV-4)
* Tom Prokop - "Redtail" (RV-6 and RV-8A)
* John Hughes - "Yellowtail" (RV-6)
* Scott Farner - "Debris" (RV-7A)
* Linas Danilevicius
* Bill Mall (RV-6A)
* Mike Holland (RV-9A)
* Jim Percy (RV-7A)
* Bill Kaiser (RV-6A)
* Tom Johnson (RV-6)
* John D'Onofrio (RV-8)
* Billy Callanan (RV-7)
* George Butts (RV-7A)
* Frank Vranicar (RV-6A)
* Van Goyne (RV-4)
* Jerry Scott (RV and Rocket guru)
* ...and several others!
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This is a great local air show, and it was my first air show when I was a teenager flying model airplanes. Now I'm a bit older and a real pilot (no RV though) but I will definitely be making the pilgrimage again this year. Not sure if I'll be able to get my hands on a plane for the day, but if I do any chance there's room for a spam can on the line?

The plane may not be an RV but the pilot is definitely a wanna be RV driver....I still have the grin on my face from the ride Dan gave me about a year ago (thanks again Dan) :D.

Planning to build an RV-10...someday.... :rolleyes:
Looking foreward to it! That gig you guys put together over at Cable last month......very nice - hats off Thank You