
Active Member
Looking for prebuy help in Portland, OR area (aircraft located in Newbery). Detailed conversation with owner and about 30 some detailed photographs have been encouraging enough to move to prebuy inspection.

Contacted a couple of DARs in the Portland area and they suggested doing a full conditional inspection through an A&P/IA. Contacted an A&P with a shop in Hillsboro and he reckoned it would be a 16 hour job (approx $1100). Its not the money as much as making sure the I am covering all the key bases.

Any suggestions or offers of help welcome. Thanks guys.
Frank Sneed

Try Frank. Nobody more reasonable or better. Very experienced with RV's.
I do pre-buys, and have some experience with the RV series...specifically the 6A.

I'd consider doing it, you can contact me if you like.


Is the airplane located in Newbery? or Newberg...?

I put together a whole pre-buy report, similar to an appraisal but without the $$ value of the aircraft. Shoot me an e-mail or call my business line for more information.

[email protected]