mr scout

I have a 6A slow build in my hangar that had 90 hrs on it before a truck ran into the end of one wing and attempted to shove the center section out the other side. Both wings were destroyed along with damage to the horizontal no prop strike.

I had decided to use it as a donor and started building a 9

A friend came over the other day and suggested I roll it upside down, cut out the center section and use 9 parts to rebuild the entire center section change the engine mount add the empenage and tail wheel for the 9

Is this a really a viable Idea? do they share any likeness? or should I just continue with plan A, use it for parts and keep on building.

Thanks for your help

I have a 6A slow build in my hangar that had 90 hrs on it before a truck ran into the end of one wing and attempted to shove the center section out the other side. Both wings were destroyed along with damage to the horizontal no prop strike.

I had decided to use it as a donor and started building a 9

A friend came over the other day and suggested I roll it upside down, cut out the center section and use 9 parts to rebuild the entire center section change the engine mount add the empenage and tail wheel for the 9

Attempting something like this would save you no time and it would probably actually take longer

Is this a really a viable Idea?


do they share any likeness?

Very little (the firewall is close to the same) Actually, structurally they are quite similar but dimensionally they are very different (parts look similar but are all different dimensionally).

or should I just continue with plan A, use it for parts and keep on building.

You are already using the best plan.
Stick with Plan A

Of course you can develop your own airplane from parts of other airplanes but I think it is a very bad idea. The 9 was a totally new development and if it's performance and operational characteristics are what you want then you should go for the best airplane to fulfill your desires. I'm somewhat predjudiced and I would continue with the original plan and rebuild what is necessary to finish the RV-6A. Ken Scott had his RV-6 hit by a car requiring a rebuild and he did it. You might want to contact him through Van's Aircraft and discuss it with him.

Bob Axsom

As you probably know, the first -9 was built from a -6 fuselage. However, the production version uses the longer fuselage, similar, but not the same as the -7.

About the only -6 part left in the -9 is the firewall.

I'm not even sure the distance between the main and aft spars are same between the -9 and -6.

In addition to the changes in the fuselage, you would have to replace your center section and seat ribs. Remember, the -9 parts are all pre-punched and may not match up with the holes on your -6.

This doesn't even begin to address the tail, which is completely different.
Thanks Guys

I thought I knew better, but sometimes we forget and just have to ask.

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Welcome to the forum.

Bummer to hear about your -6. Maybe you can take the insurance check and build a -9. They go together much easier than your -6 did.