
Well Known Member
i made the F-623A-FWD strips as directed in the plans (dwg 22). As you can see in the photo below, when i place the strip in position, it partially obscures a rivet hole (the other rivet holes get drilled through the 623A strip). Did anybody else experience this, or have i mis-read something?

This strip could easily be an extra 3/8 inch wide towards the front, which would add strength, and cover that rivet hole completely. or i could just trim the strip around that rivet hole.

Yes, that's normal in my experience. Just make it fit. At this point in the kit, Van's doesn't point little things like this out. Just follow best practices (e.g. maintaining edge distance) and make it up as you go. Good luck.

thanks steve. A related question. For the aft strip, is it supposed to sandwich between the flange of the flange of the 706 bulkhead and the lower aft skin (which is overlapped on the bottom by the forward skin here)? This is the only way the spacer is at the correct height, but then the flange of the 706 has to take a slight bend to fit over the spacer.
The plans are really sketchy on this...

I just made a new forward strap wider than the plans to fit between the flanges of the corner rib and used all 4 rivet holes to attach the strap to the rib. The rear strap does not sandwich between the bulkhead and skin. It lays on top of the corner rib and bulkhead like the forward strap.

I think every builders site I have gone to indicates you need to trim these straps to avoid the interference. My solution is posted at . There is an edge distance issue you will run into on the aft strap however. I ignored it (yeah, I know my plane will crash and burn on first flight because of it). Some people opt to use a 063 strap and countersink it to add some more beef to it.

You might want to browse some other builders sites before asking some basic questions like this on the forums.......
I've solved the edge distance and clearance problems as other builders have done, by fabricating custom straps to fit better.
You might want to browse some other builders sites before asking some basic questions like this on the forums.......
Come on now... that's a little harsh. I've heard (and posted) far more "basic" questions than this, and often got very good help on the forums. Isn't that what the forums are for (in part)???
Anyway, I HAVE looked around other builders sites, but am still confused about the aft strap. There appear to me to be two possible ways to fit it - one way involves deforming the flange of the bulkhead, and the other invoves bending hte strap. The following diagrams illustrate. The plans don't seem to be clear on which way to do it.

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3rd possible way - add a spacer strap

There appear to me to be two possible ways to fit it - one way involves deforming the flange of the bulkhead, and the other invoves bending hte strap.


A third alternative is to have a second strap that is just a little bit shorter (will butt agains the rib flange) than the top strap. It would be the thickness of the rib material, then your top or main strap would lie perfectly flat. No distorting or bending of any metal.

I frankly don't remember what we actually did... I'll have to check tonight. I do remember making custom straps though.
ah, thanks Alfio... that's a great suggestion. Please do let me know if you remember what you did.
Up until now the plans have been very exact, and haven't left anything to the imagination. This is why i'm inclined to ask questions when things don't seem clear... want to be sure I haven't mis-understood something.
thanks again.
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Come on now... that's a little harsh. I've heard (and posted) far more "basic" questions than this, and often got very good help on the forums. Isn't that what the forums are for (in part)???

Yes that is what the forum is for as well as many other things....:rolleyes:

Builder sites help a ton but lots of times there are many additional questions that are not answered on such sites or the answer is unclear.

The prints are as clear as mud on this issue.
Use option #2. The straps you make for both ends go on top of the the ribs and the bulkhead flanges. The only joggle to the floor rib is on the outside flange. It's been almost 2 years ago for me so memory dims......

working the -9A cowl,