
Well Known Member
I?m installing the standard Vans 60Amp alternator kit on an O320-D2A with a Sky-Tec Starter. The instructions call for the fabrication of a support strut between the alternator and the starter, made out of supplied 1/4 ? aluminum stock. It states the support strut may have to be ?joggled? to align with the flanges on both the alternator and starter. The strut will be about 2 1/2 ? long and it appears the joggle for my configuration will be about ??. Bending a ?? joggle in a 2 ?? long piece of ?? aluminum is going to be very difficult. So, I though I could just make a ?? think shim (washer) to mount between the strut and starter flange thus eliminating the need to joggle. Anyone see any issues doing this?
Not that difficult

Put it into a large vice with protected jaws and beat on it. It is really not that hard to do.
I think (very dangerous relying on memory, so might be wrong...) that a spacer might push the bolt head out into the path of the belt or something....JonJay is right - the joggle isn't that hard to do - big vice, big hammer - presto, instant joggle!
same build point

A couple of observations:
I installed my alternator yesterday stopping short of completing the alt-to-starter brace (gotta buy the starter).

I looked at a friend's -6 with B&C alt and Skytec starter. No strap is required because 1. The B&C alt does not have a flange to attach it and 2. the B&C alt is so far forward that a 3/4" joggle would be required in the strap. The B&C attached to the engine with a steel bracket using only the first 2 engine case holes.

Another friend with a -6 equipped with an older (circa 2001) Vans 60A alternator and Skytec starter did NOT have to joggle his connecting strap.


and what's with "install bracket using the 4 undrilled bolts bending the tabs against the bolt heads then safety wire bolt #3"?
:) I also wondered about the 4 undrilled bolts and safety wire the third???? I thought perhaps it would come to me later but not yet, must be a misprint or some sort of brain fart I guess.
I know a couple of builders who did not install the support strut and wish they had. Without it the lightweight alternator arm (the slotted piece) must bear the burden of a lot of vibration and this quickly leads to cracking.

Like you, I thought the piece would be difficult to make. It wasn't exactly easy but I did it and it was worth the effort.

I thought that Van was now providing this piece pre-made. If not, check with PlanePower or B&C, as I'm pretty sure their alternator package includes this piece and perhaps they'll sell it to you.
