
I purchased my RV-4 and believe it or not, cannot find the gascolator. Even during the conditional inspection, the inspector couldn't find it and suggested since the drains on the wings are lower than the engine, there may not be one. (It's a O-360L engine) Anyone ever seen this type of layout?
The gascolator on a carburetated engine serves 2 purposes, as a water/sediment trap, and as an initial filter for the fuel before it reaches the inlet filter on the carb body. If you don't have one, I would install one somewhere on the lower firewall.
i do not have one on my RV-4 and would not put one on a RV-4. first, with the standard fuel system layout, the drain on the tank is the lowest point in the fuel system, and that should be where any water will be. second, on the firewall of a RV-4 is a very hot area and it will make for a great heat sink and possible source for vapor lock.

I put a one of these in the fuel line after the fuel selector, before it went through the firewall.


since my plane lives in a hangar, and never gets parked outside, i have never found any water in my fuel system.

I get water in the right tank of my warrior, when i find it, its from the fuel tank drains, I have never in 20 years of owning it found a drop from the gascolator.
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I have one on my -4, no issues.

I put the gascolator on my -4 right in the center lower firewall, and I have the Vetterman 4-pipe. The gascolator stays stone cold( I have purposely felt it immediately after flight), vaporlock has never been present in 10 years of flying it..and I'm in the south (NC) where 90 plus degree days are common. True, that on the ground the tank sumps are pretty much the low point, but the gascolators job is pick up any water or junk that is headed to the carburetor. If it accumulates anything that makes it through the tanks and lines during flight, it will be there to drain during pre-flight.