
Well Known Member
Every once in a while I give my son and daughter some stick time. Here is a video of my son doing so. He amazes me with his light touch and seamingly natural feel on how to fly. He never loses much more than a hundred feet and never looks at the altimeter.
He often says can I do a Loop or a Roll Dad.:eek: I let him try because the stick forces are to high in the ten, so he does not get to far with either one. It is funny to watch him try though. Guess I need a 7 or a 14 now.:) I said I will help the kids build that when they are old enough to solo.;)
My 7 year old grand daughter had a ball flying the magenta line in the -12. Her turns were steady and she held altitude very well after a few lessons from grandpa.


She really enjoyed it and told everyone grandpa took a nap while she landed it. That kid has a personality that is second to none, she loves telling jokes and stories. I wonder where she gets that from??? :rolleyes:

She made a great auto pilot!
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Troy! Get that kid a stick! No kid should fly a yoke! Think of all the bad habits he will form! ;)
It's an RV10

Troy! Get that kid a stick! No kid should fly a yoke! Think of all the bad habits he will form! ;)

He has his hand on Big Pepper Shaker sticks that his Grand Dad made, sourced from his NB wood lot and turned down on his own self made lathe:)

Now he is always asking to play the simulator, uses a stick there to. Its the only way to fly.
Troy, thanks for sharing.

I email a link to my wife and told her "if he can do it so can you".

She has never taken control in my airplane. I think that she feels that if she touched the controls the airplane would instantly crash.

I email a link to my wife and told her "if he can do it so can you".

She has never taken control in my airplane. I think that she feels that if she touched the controls the airplane would instantly crash.


I hope it motivates her. My wife is getting more and more interest as she flys more often. Once you convince her to try, she will have a totally new perception of flying. Hopefully all good.:D
This is likely the most build-inspiring video I have seen. Thank you for sharing Troy.

Agreed! My daughter is only 3 weeks old and I'm still building, but one day she will be 6 and the plane will be finished. I am looking forward to sharing my passion. When she's 2 months we plan on taking her for a flight around town just to see how her first flight goes!

Thanks for sharing!

I received probably the best text I've ever received this past Sunday from my son: "Dad, Isabelle would like to go for a Stearman ride and she is asking Cathy (my daughter-in-law) to make cookies for you." Sure enough, she "drove" her new battery powered jeep (christmas present) down the runway later with fresh-baked cookies and I took her flying. Of course, she gave me the cookies AFTER I took her. :)
She is 5 1/2. :)

His real first time

It is amazing how fast time fly's. Sure did not seam like that long ago. Here he is for his real first time taking control, in the garage of course.:D Even using his left hand for the pilot seat, if his hand could only reach the quadrant.

He and his sister are really looking forward to helping with the next project.
