There has also been at least one with a 6 cyl. Franklin 220.

In the San Fransisco area, IIRC.
Id be happy to answer any questions you might have.
Your short answer is YES.
You got a more complicated one?:)
Structural Implications

There is a complicated question. If the rv 4 fuse was beefed up to handle the six what are chances of a structural problem in the RV8. I notice on the sites i have visited that no strengthening mods have been undertaken. Even flying the aircraft within the envelope is going to place greater loads on the firewall and front of the fuse. personally i very much doubt id do it but im still curious.


S8 site

one thing i did notice on the super 8 site was the comment on the stability of vans and the ease to deal with them and also the difference in costs between the rv8 kit and the rocket kits. Ive always liked the rv8 and would like to put a 6cyl in one but i'm a bit wary of flying one in the top corner of the envelope all the time. Thanks to all for the links and advice. Mike Stewart thanks for offering advice, if you were to build an rv8 from the ground up again would you strengthen anything?


Rv8 with 6cyl ..

I put a 6 cyl Franklin in the rv8, fits well, cowling did not need extending, but airscoop needed mdification. CG is perfect with battery in the rear and CS prop up front.

one thing i did notice on the super 8 site was the comment on the stability of vans and the ease to deal with them and also the difference in costs between the rv8 kit and the rocket kits. Ive always liked the rv8 and would like to put a 6cyl in one but i'm a bit wary of flying one in the top corner of the envelope all the time. Thanks to all for the links and advice. Mike Stewart thanks for offering advice, if you were to build an rv8 from the ground up again would you strengthen anything?



I fly one past the top corner every day. I pull no more than 4 G's on a regular basis, I have gone to 5 at 1900lbs. I have been to 230kts on several occasions. I cruise at 200kts, ~215 downhill every day.

If I were to build again. I would change nothing at all. Even after 600 hours and a 3 year old panel. Id build it exactly the same and Id use the exact same instruments. I might go 10:1 but id have to chew on that a bit.
not to hijack

There was a RV-7 with a 540. Anyone know what happened to that project. I think the two gents building it are Scott and Bill in the Atlanta, GA area. I know they got flying but what else.... Their had a web page, but its not up anymore: rv-7adventure dot net
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Cost and Speeds

Gary how did you find the cost of the Franklin compared to the lycoming. Also what speeds are you achieving with the franklin and what are the fuel burns? Wondering also how the FWF weights compare to the IO 540. A few guys out here in AUS have put franklins into there cessna 172's there is one 172 that was turned into a taildragger and had the franklin fitted to tow gliders. word is that it went like a rocket. Thanks Mike for your advice


There was a RV-7 with a 540. Anyone know what happened to that project. I think the two gents building it are Scott and Bill in the Atlanta, GA area. I know they got flying but what else.... Their had a web page, but its not up anymore: rv-7adventure dot net

His name is Scott Solberg.
Its been flying for a couple years. He and I built ours together. It was painted a few months ago and resides outside San Antonio at 5C1.
I had lunch with him the other day and the plane is doing fine. I can put you in touch with him if you would like. Also you can search here for the Super 7.

Thank you appreciate that

His name is Scott Solberg.
I can put you in touch with him if you would like. Also you can search here for the Super 7. Best,
Oh thanks I appreciate that. That is all right. I just watched their project site with interest and they took it down. If all is well, than excellent. All I wanted to know.