Ron Lee

Well Known Member
Sunday Stewart and I flew from 00V to Salida CO (ANK) for breakfast at the Patio Pancake Place. Typical mountain flying. We saw clouds just past Pikes Peak and decided to fly over them since it appeared that it was clear over Salida. Winds dictated a landing on Runway 6 which is unusual.

When we returned home I checked fuel consumption. 9.2 gallons for a 1.4 hour flight. Flew at 12,500' over and 13,500' back (both airports around 7000').

This is 6.6 gph and I was near full throttle the whole time. Not bad. Both aircraft 180 hp or better. Both with at least one Lightspeed. Stewart has a CS prop.

Yes get them up high and RV's make very economical sippers..Especially if you can find a tailwind.
