
Well Known Member

From the beginning I have had a problem with a fluctuating fuel pressure indication on my Dynon EMS120. It seems to be something with the indication, the fuel pump is fine. Since I have had a warning from the Dynon announcing "low fuel pressure" (which was not an actual low pressure), I thought I better get this issue fixed.

I investigated and found out that Dynon no longer sells the old style "one wire" pressure sensors, but now supply a new type (Kavlico) sensor that has an additional earth wire. Not a big deal, easy to run an additional earth wire from some place convenient FWF. But.... now that I have received the sensor, I find out that it also requires a +5V agitation supply. I do not have +5V FWF so I would have to run a new wire from behind the firewall (Dynon), it would be not so easy to find that wire in the Dynon wirebundle (all nicely tugged away) and more important I would have to penetrate the firewall :eek:.

Does anybody have a suggestion how I could avoid to have to penetrate the firewall with a new wire? Can I get +5V from an other source?

Thanks in advance for the advice.

Regards, Tonny.
This won't answer your specific question, but I had the same problem, only with high/erratic fuel pressure readings and warnings. I found that bleeding the system and exercising the fast-on tabs on the original seemed to cure the problem. Not sure which it was but haven't had any problems since. I too was wondering how I was going to get that 5V excitation wire through the firewall in order to use the newer type sensor but, fortunately, didn't need to do so. Hope this helps, but good luck regardless.
You could easily use 12v with a 7805 voltage regulator to supply +5v. They are available from Radio Shack. Easy to wire in line with heat shrink over the whole thing. Need ground connection too. The back of the package has the schematic on it.
Problem solved!

I used the voltage regulator, as sugested. I bought it for less than $ 1,- at a local electronics shop. With the new sensor the fuel pressure reading is now rock-steady.

Thanks for the help.

Kind regards, Tonny.