
Well Known Member
It's "Maid Oliver's" 5th condition inspection, I never imagined how it would morph into our family's lifestyle. Summertime is too busy, and winter time too cold so when exactly is the best time to ground the airplane for a condition inspection?
Never a good time but September/October is as good as any month, you really get used to having this magic carpet at your request. It seems to always take about a month, but I come away with re-learning the airplane and a physical wrench on every bolt/system helps re-assure my amateur skills.

Just cleaning, lubing and torque checking every bolt/nut on the inside.



My oldest helping clean interior panels.


My second oldest waxing my screws.


My littles learning how to taxi.....


Me seeing a bit of myself in my kiddos as I finish up....

My brother and I do our annuals in Jan-Feb time frame. It's a period of reduced flying up here due to the low cloud which is characteristic of the area.

However, I have a heated hangar which eases the chore considerably...
I do my annual condition insp in April. Living along the gulf coast of Alabama it gets hot quickly. One year I waited until late may.... I'll NEVER do that again. With the exception of the simply oppressive summer humidity and the occasional hurricane this is a pretty sweet spot to live.

I'm jealous of your help. Somehow, I always end up doing this job alone! :)
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I've done condition inspections in Jan-March, August and September. Plus and minus to all.

We cleaned the wheel pants tonight, since they were clean and handy we re-created a pre-airport photo while still in the garage. Makes me smile and reminisce.



The kiddos do love the expanse of concrete at their disposal and I love the company at the hangar. (We did watch "RAD" the other night.....)



I did not know you all were from France and consumed mass quantities!! Meps meps meps!

Very cute family Andy! I miss my littles around the hangar. They all bigs now....

That's awesome. My condition inspection is coming up--I've got to do a better job at getting my littles engaged. Right now they mostly fight with each other at the hangar. :(


I did not know you all were from France and consumed mass quantities!! Meps meps meps!

Very cute family Andy! I miss my littles around the hangar. They all bigs now....


I'm enjoying this stage and looking forward to the next! Love seeing your posts with the fam!
That's awesome. My condition inspection is coming up--I've got to do a better job at getting my littles engaged. Right now they mostly fight with each other at the hangar. :(

Been there and still there part of the time.....Perhaps I'm getting better at this parenting thing or perhaps the kiddos are listening to reason (neither likely) ...or perhaps its all the kiddo friendly toys and snacks at the hangar.....or most likely I've accepted the fact I'm going to the hangar to have fun with the kiddos and possibly get a smidge bit of work done. Either way the fun goal is usually accomplished and another bite gets taken out of the airplane work.
Kids and airplanes... 18 MO we watch for a friend. Brings back so many memories of when I was little.



Have to chime in here again. LOVE the pictures of the families.... all of them. It's what RVing is all about. I have no help anymore. My kids are grown and with families of their own. So it's all working out the way it's suppose to I guess. I have a couple grandkids that live close and maybe just maybe I can get them recruited to hang with Paw Paw at the airport soon! My 6 year old grandson had me going over all the parts of a toy airplane with him few weeks ago... so that's promising. Granddaughter seems to be interested in more girly type things and that's OK too! Thinking about all this.... almost brings a tear to my eye. I recall times when if I was going to just back the car out of the garage to the driveway, my two sons would pile in the car with me. Time goes fast.... like the 1/60th flick of a camera shutter... you'll be almost 61, they're grown and gone. ENJOY every second you can!!!!


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I recall times when if I was going to just back the car out of the garage to the driveway, my two sons would pile in the car with me.

Word, the jingle of keys will bring my lil’ dude running as I’m not driving anything solo as long as he’s around!

This “take apart” airplane has been a hit at our house, Christmas is coming up for your 6 year old grandson.....
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