
Well Known Member
535 days is the amount of time it has been since I laid a finger on my RV7 with the intention of making progress on it. 535 days of really, honestly missing my build. The last thing I was doing was setting wing incidence in my garage in Bentonville AR. Today, I actually fabricated a shim in my new garage in McKinney TX. I was so proud of myself. My tools still work and I didn't lose any fingers. I guess I'll find out soon enough if I remember how to rivet. I'll post some other observations about moving your shop later, but for now I am just so happy to have aluminum chips in my socks.
Glad you are getting back to it! A move can be tough on a project but you'll get back on the saddle.

Let us know how we can help, we are all rooting for you :)
I feel your pain. My 9A build got put on hold for a move to PA from UT in 2012. Last thing I did was download the fuselage kit from the ABF truck in July '12. No build time in the last 3 years due to finishing my electrical engineering degree at Penn State Harrisburg (at age 55 no less). Heading to GA for a job at Robins AFB after graduation in Dec. I too hope I can keep all my digits when I start the build back up. Good luck!