Bryan Wood

Well Known Member
For any of you at 52F. My son and building partner went into the service about a year ago and is in need of an RV fix. This weekend him and two of his friends from base have traveled to the Dallas area from North Texas to see the sights. When I told him that he'd be driving right past the home of the Van's Air Force and the place that we had our airplane painted he became excited. If there are any locals planning to be at the airport this weekend who could welcome them into their hanger to kick a couple of tires or even maybe a short ride if you have open seats it would put a smile on the face of a displaced 19 year old RV enthusiast.

Hi Bryan!

I've been watching the TAF all day hoping I could offer a ride (rides), but it's currently forcasting TEMPO 1216 OVC015 for my window of opportunity tomorrow morning. I leave for mass around 1030 so the morning was my only shot. Susie teaches yoga all afternoon so I'm on Mr. Mom duty.

Sorry I couldn't get your guys a ride.

We can try again!

Thanks for trying Doug. It sounds like he has gotten over it already from the sounds of his latest call. He told me that he found out today that the Hotel they are staying at has 1000 college girls checking in for some event tonight. Planes are great, but he is 19. I think he'll survive until next time.
