
doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
Ross, Danny and I are meeting at 52F with engines warmed at 0800 Saturday. Destination will be either KSEP for breakfast, or Hicks for breakfast (after some formation practice).

Jay has a final inspection going on at Hicks 0900, so we'll probably end up there sometime in the morning to say hi.

We'll be on 122.75 around 0815 with a destination if anyone in the area is on freq.

Audrey's in mine, Joe. Show anyway...chances good there will be something (Audrey can ride with Danny and you with me for example).

Missed ya

Sorry I couldn't make it guys, but barbeque at 8:00 a.m. just doesn't appeal to my old stomach. I went to Sulphur Springs for a nice pancake breakfast at the Red Rose Cafe across the street from the terminal. The ramp was empty but the restuarant wasn't. Must be a favorite of the locals.

The weather was great, the -8 jumped into the air on the return flight -- 2500 fpm climb and I was indicating 120 kts. Got to cruise alt of 4500 in a hurry. I suppose being quarter tanks and solo helped.

Went to Gainesville (KGLE) for fuel. 100LL hit that magic $4 per gallon:eek:

Back at ADS by 11:00. Great morning.

Ya'll missed a good one. Good breakfast and lots of talkin and pointin.

See everyone in the near future.:D
Yea who can resist a good barbeque sandwich for breakfast :eek:

I made it Hard 8 about 3pm for my usual casual Sat afternnon run on some chicken, gas at XBP (Bridgeport) is still $3.69 so I filled her up! Pretty sad this is considered cheap these days.
Breakfast!!! not BBQ.

There is a breakfast place at the end of the airport road that we go to every so often (you turn right to go there). Turning left goes to the Hard Eight BBQ.


ps: Good crowd at Hicks. Pretty packed. Pancakes big. Bacon only so-so crispy (my order).