
Well Known Member
Anyone able to give a newbie a flight in a RV tomorrow? I got my PPL last December and would like to see if I can get a ride in a 7a or 9a if it's something I want to pursue buying. I've been training in a 172 but I think an RV is calling me! I know I need a lot more experience but hope to one day have an RV.


Tim Foster
tomorrows forecast: Sunny. Highs around 40. :eek:

Call me when its mid/upper 50's or better :D
Ahhhhh since you said 7a or 9a I can't help you (a versions).

Have you been around 52F long? If you know the far east loop where the big porte-coch?re is at, feel free to look me up. My wife and I live in the house attached to the South side of the porte-coch?re.

Blake Graham
Started training last May. Will look you up. Guess that means you have a tail dragger, I'm looking forward to learning how to fly that but need a lot more experience. I'm at about 110 hours. Those look fun but tricky seems like a good chance of the tail getting ahead of me on the landings. Lol.

Thanks. Like the fact there are a bunch of RV's there.
I'm Blake's neighbor, and I have a 7A. If you're available Wednesday send me a PM. I'll give you a proper intro.
Good morning Tim. If Sid's offer falls through and your schedules don't match up give me a ring. I'd be happy to give you a ride in my RV if it's not too terribly cold. I had a little more than 100 hours when I started the construction of my plane. I know exactly the mindset you are in currently :).