
I'm New Here
Guys, I am looking at buying an RV4 I am 5'10" and 240lbs and falling, anyone out there flying a -4 about my size? would love to know if I should hang it up and buy a treadmill instead? I like the -4 for everything everyone says including the price. I would love some feedback without you all being too cruel! Thank you, Stuart
Hey, five ten is pretty good... The rest is negotiable. Buy it, have fun and work on sizing. If you were born short... well, not much but cushions for you.
Maybe you'll fit, maybe you won't


Look at it this way - if you don't fit, what better motivation will there ever be to lose some pounds? Go for it!
Thanks guys. I am jumping in with both feet. I already like this forum better than any other aviation forum out there.
i.m 6-1 and was up to 250 at one point and I still fit in my 4.

bob burns
RV-4 N82RB
Get both!

Buy the RV-4 and the treadmill. After you get to 200 or lower, you'll love the RV-4's performance even more!
Anything is possible:

Me in 2012:


Me 5 minutes ago, same shirt! That is my 13yo 5'6" daughter....

You Will Fit!
I started flying an RV-4 at 5'11" and 235 pounds. I'm 195 pounds and dropping, but still 5'11".
you use different thicknesses of seat and back pad. Or remake the seat back to give more room, which is an easy job.
Gotta love the RV-4. :D
Thank you all. Guess I know where to look for motivation and positive feedback. Can't wait to strap on an RV4. You guys rock.
Go for it!

The lighter you get, the more fun the -4 becomes. It's an addictive way to stay lean.

At 5'9" / 143lbs and half tanks in the winter, the performance with a 180hp O-360 A1A is just off the chain!
Hey, five ten is pretty good... The rest is negotiable. Buy it, have fun and work on sizing. If you were born short... well, not much but cushions for you.

Wait, ...wait! 5'10" is short? Dangit! I just thought everyone else was tall! Way to bust my bubble......
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It depends where you are as to wether 5' 10" is short or tall. I have been that height for 50 years, but in Australia I am short and in England I am tall. Dont know what I would be in Indonesia or the Phillipines, but it wouldn't be short.
Whatever you are the RV4 is just great. Climb testing during stage 1 I took 8.2 minutes to get from 100' above sea level and stationary to 9500'
Well Done

Hey Brantell..... well done thats impressive commitment!!

I am about 160lbs at 5'08" so obviously have no problems but I still work at keeping my weight down especially for the 4!!!

Exercise yes.... but the main obstacle is calorie or food intake, and dont be fooled by 'diet' anything they usually contain fructose which piles on the pounds,especially soda!! The 4 is worth the effort!!
Bought an RV4

Guys I bought a -4 160hp Warneke Prop. Fits like a glove. I couldn't be happier with my purchase! N145H.
wrong words, obscure results

I never seem to get my exact meaning... or joke across in print. Most readers probably think I am a d****** according to my good wife.
I think 5' 7" would be called short... for a guy.
My wife is 5' 3" and I called her stubby one time.... I paid dearly for that.
So, to go back to my first post. 5 ten is normal.... The cushion joke is for guys way shorter than that.
Having said all that... a buddy sat in my 9 yesterday. He is 6 three.
The booster cushions were still in the right for stubby wife. It was pretty funny to see his knees jammed up against the panel... and his head way out of the canopy above the roll bar. Guess he is not getting a ride.
Anyway, get the 4 and be motivated. Will be fun and good for you too.
When it comes to close dimensions, often the headset frame makes all the difference. I know some of my sets use up over 2 inches of space above my head. I also have tall friends who use thinner custom seat pads to get more clearance. I think finding a published max height will be difficult.
Go for the -4. I'm 165 Lbs and 6'7' minus one foot :) The best bang for the buck and I've had mine flying for 25 years. 160 hp, fp designed by Van for sport pilots. She's a fighter and a lover and I'll never trade her in :)