
Well Known Member
From the EAA website:

Amateur builders anticipate final report on policy changes for 51% rule
By David Sakrison, EAA AirVenture Today

July 31, 2009 - Oshkosh, Wisconsin - EAA and amateur aircraft builders are anticipating a victory when the FAA publishes its final report, slated for August 17, on changes in agency policies for administering the Amateur Built Aircraft rules. Earl Lawrence, EAA vice president for government and industry relations, said the draft final report leaves intact an amateur builder's freedom to build any kind of aircraft, of any type, size, and complexity, so long as he or she completes "the major portion" of the project-the "51% Rule."

... snip...

...The draft report abandons the so-called "20/20/11" formula.

(Excellent news!)
Further on the story here:

Sounds positive. I look forward to reading the final publication.