
Well Known Member
many aircraft kits change ownership several times before completion.what records does the owner who completes the plane need to licence and get the airworthiness certificate as an experimental amatuer built ?
Do a search on group repairmans certificate

Several of good threads with all your issues discussed in great detail. If these do not answer your questions to your satisfaction, please come back here and chime in.

thank you for the search tip Kahuna. interesting reading. my question is about licenseing and the airworthiness certificate. the project i am looking at has 3 previous builders,none kept a build log and no parts receipts.and it is more then 60% completed. if i buy and complete the build ,can it be licensed as an amatuer built experimental? or will it be an expensive lawn ornament?

.......Lawrence and welcome aboard. The "spirit" of the regs mandate that an experimental be homebuilt for education and experience/enjoyment. If the previous builders were amateur builders and not fabricators for hire, the spirit of the law is upheld. Many airplanes are built by several helpers/builders. My buddy's -4 was on the gear and complete from the firewall back, including a fitted and mounted canopy, when he bought it. We just documented what he did thereafter and passed without question and he also has the Repairman cert.
