
Well Known Member
Today on the way to work, I glanced over at the hobbs and it was at 499.9.

My how time flies (no pun intended)! I grabbed my phone and took a quick picture of the meter as it rolled to 500.0. I'll be saving that one in the scrapbook.

Then I looked around, as I often do, in wonder, at the world rolling by beneath us, and the sky all around us (the bird and I).

It was spectacularly smooth air this morning, high overcast, moderate temperatures, just a perfect day for punching holes in the air and making miles.

I often think "I can't believe they let me do this!" when flying the 7. Imagine, flying, in a craft you built, whenever and mostly wherever you want. It is true freedom. I hope it lasts (I have my doubts).

I do this route about three times a week, not because I have to, but because I love flying. Someone always asks me why I don't get a job closer to home. I tell them the "commute" makes the job bearable. :)

The sky is forever beautiful and varied in the south Texas mornings. I have many memories and photos of sunrises, clear skies, storm clouds, every variation you can imagine (and then some).

I'll share one here, one that means a lot to me. I snapped this on the way to work, September 11, 2007, early in the morning.

With that painful anniversary coming up soon, I look at this and always get a mental lift.

Enjoy. (click for full size image)

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I'm sitting here at my in Laws after an 1100 mile 5.75 hour cross country...Like you its hard to believe the distance you can travel in these things!

I have a good friend and colleague, who is one of the finest aviators and best human beings I have ever known. When viewing a sight like that from the cockpit, he would always say: "what a cool planet we have here!":)

I concur.

Thanks Joe.
agree with frankh

Like Frank above it is amazing how efficient the RV is, my first long X country was moving the plane from Salt Lake to Grand Lake, Oklahoma last month. Normally this is a 20 hour drive straight through, in the RV it took 7 hours which included two bio/fuel breaks, average speed was 145 mph at 55% power burning around 7.8 gph. As a bonus you get to see great scenery as shown in the photo above.
Very glad I persevered and finished my -7:)