
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
Well, 498.7 to be exact, but I am leaving again on a trip to D.C. on Thursday, and that should add about 12-15 hours of flying time, so I figured I better get my oil change in an hour or so early rather than 12 hours late....

The Valkyrie has been flying since 9 Oct 05, and I have pretty much reported every single bit of unexpected maintenance here along the way. Overall, I continue to be amazed at the overall maturity of the Van's design - I fully expected to be doing a lot of maintaining and fixing on a "homebuilt" airplane, but I have yet to find a significant problem. My worn out carb heat lever was probably the closest I have come to a wear issue anywhere on the airframe.

Today I spent several hours looking for cracks and wear in places like the motor mount attach points and other critical spots. Didn't find a thing. The gear bolt torque (a special item for RV-8's) have always checked good every time I checked, and I've pretty much given up on them ever creeping. I'm going to have to swap my tires on the rims again soon (outboard grooves wear quicker than inboard), but they'll last this trip for sure.

People have asked me before how well my "rattle can" painted interior is holding up, and I can report that I finally found some wear that needed a touch up. The 804 close-out behind the throttle is always being rubbed by the back of my left wrist and watch, and finally looked a little ratty:

Not wanting to pull out paint, plastic, primer, etc., I took the easiest way out that I know how, fixed the problem, and made it both unlikely to repeat, and more comfortable at the same time - and it gives me another place to stick a pencil!

Ahhh....the joy of having a roll of sticky-back Velcro! :D

I guess I'll do a little "500 hour aileron roll" somewhere over Alabama on the way to Virginia on Thursday, but I expect that the airplane won't even notice that it is getting older - on to the next 500!

It's a shame, Paul

You should have left the velcro off, Paul. I think it's great that it was showing a little wear, that's history between you and the plane. There is, however IMHO, a fine line between letting the interior (or exterior) show a *little* age, and letting it go all together.

As always, your posts are very informative and good reading. Keep up the good work!!!


P.S. I was watching the live feed on the STS-117 launch on the link provided by Doug, and was wondering why I didn't hear your name. Now we know you were there watching it go.
Wow Paul, that is a lot of hours for less than two years. I hope to roll to 1000 hours on mine in around 8-10 months or so. I just passed something like 1300 flights.
Which rattle can...

Hi Paul,

Congrats on the 1st of many 500 Hrs! Which rattle can primer/paint did you use for the interior?

Have a safe trip to Washington,

David_Nelson said:
Which rattle can primer/paint did you use for the interior?

The finest stuff from Home Depot Aviation Supply - I think it was Rustoleum, but might have been Krylon....and no, I'm not joking!

Rustoleum Light Machine Grey - I used it on mine after reading Pauls spray and cure in the oven post!
Oven cured?

So each part was painted, over cured, then installed? Or did the Texas heat provide the curing?

I suppose Paul may have access to a _large_ oven given his NASA affiliation... :)

Electric space heaters and halogen lights work great for hardening painted parts too. I used three electric space heaters to bake most of my interior painted parts and my panel. All painted with home depot grey rustoleum. Many people are amazed that I shot my panel with a rattle can and got the results that I did. Tanya said I would have to get her a new oven if I baked parts in it. Luckily she doesn't know what goes on when she is gone :).
Krylon on my RV-7

I used Krylon gray on my 7 interior. Not flying yet but the testing I did with the primer and long curing cycles between coats showed very good adhesion. I keep things covered as best I can now that I'm wiring and fabricating the panel and it seems very scratch and chip resistant. Good to hear others are getting good (rattle can) results after flying.

IO-360,Garmin Stack, Lightspeed IGN,Dynon D-180,496 GPS
Paul - How is the Rustoleum holding up after 11 years?

It?s actually been 13 years now, and the Val has just shy of 1900 hours. Teh paint has shown no signs of peeling or bond failure. There are a few scratches here and there becasue of dropped tools and the like - but even whee there?s a scratch, there is not sign of a general bond failure. I?m quite satisfied with it, and have used the same stuff on all four (soon to be five...make that six....?) projects.

What type of primer (if any) is under the Rustoleum, or did you just scuff and clean the aluminum before painting?


Scuff, clean, then self-etching Rustoleum primer if I recall. That?s what I am doing now at least, and I dont recall changing my overall philosophy.
You got me!

When I first started reading the post, I thought, "Wait! What? How can it be that the Val could only have 500 hrs on it after all these years? Granted Paul divides his time among several other airplanes, but that wasn't always the case, and besides, I thought I remembered asking about the throttle cable replacement a handful of years ago (mine needed replacement at about 450 hrs)."

Then I thought, "maybe he means a 500-hr incremental report, like an update since the last one?"

Then, I looked at the date on the post.
“People have asked me before how well my "rattle can" painted interior is holding up, and I can report that I finally found some wear that needed a touch up. The 804 close-out behind the throttle is always being rubbed by the back of my left wrist and watch, and finally looked a little ratty”

Now you’ll have a bloody left wrist along with polished watch.