
Legacy Member
So after landing yesterday, I realized I was at 500.9 hours.

This prompted me to remove the cowling and go through everything firewall forward. Call it a mini condition inspection, if you will.

Besides an oil change I elected to pull the P-mags and inspect them.

My right wheel pants where wobbly and I found the bolts that hold the bracket to be lose. They really need the metal locknuts rather than they nylocks that Van's recommends. (I put new nylocks on and will order some metal locknuts and swap them out in the spring during the condition inspection.)

To replace the nuts, I had to pull the wheel off. So, that gave me the chance to inspect and repack the bearings. Not a bad thing since I live on a grass strip. All was fine and no unusual wear was noted.

One thing I did realize and call it a big DUH moment for me was while changing the oil filter I realized it was much easier to put the tail of the safety wire at the top of the filter rather than at the base where is it a challenge to twist it. Why didn't I think of this five years ago?
Safety wires...

Looking forward to the day when I can safety wire my filter. My hobbs is about 260 hrs in the hangar, and just started on the tank sealing today. And, I ordered my safety wire tool last week.

Have fun and fly high!
Bill, you need to fly more! Tsam just turned 300 hours last week....

You are so right Paul! However, during the five years I've had the plane, it was down for 18 months for an engine change. There was an addition to the family, a move, and numerous extended business trips.

Heck, I'm happy if I can get up once every other week.

That said, I gave my son and neighbor a ride on Friday night and on Saturday the Mini-me and I flew to an antique fly-in and stopped by the Lancair fly-in on the way home. We had a great time.

Now to go through the plane to see how she is holding up. So far, so good!