
Well Known Member
46 to go to 5,000

almost sold her a few years ago but couldn't part with her. felt much better to do some upgrades and keep what i felt so comfortable with. i love this plane and where it has brought me over the past 18 years. hope to pass the 5,000 mark and keep on going till.......... :) fly your bird, these planes are the best.
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Only 50 in January

It will take me forever to catch you Turbo. Only 50 hours flown in January. :)

Never thought I'd say this

- but it was a strange year where Lorri and I never seemed to find time for a getaway for two, and lots of my spare time was spent building vs flying.

4.6 hrs (sic) in all of 2017. :(

If only my plane was in my backyard where I could access it anytime. /sarcasm/ At this rate my Lycoming will last forever if it doesn't rust.

The idea that I spent half my flight hours this past year getting a BFR or chasing a Russian away from my fly-in is quite disturbing. Even more so is the realization that I spent probably five to seven hours mowing the runway for every hour I spent aloft this year. This has got to change in 2018!

4.6 hrs (sic) in all of 2017. :(


The idea that I spent half my flight hours this past year getting a BFR or chasing a Russian away from my fly-in is quite disturbing.


This has got to change in 2018!

I wish I knew that Bill. You were pretty sharp chasing... :D


You better contact Oshkosh registration to get the "This plane has flown more than 5000 hours" prop badge.

I remember seeing you there & they said it didn't exist.

Congratulations on hitting the upcoming 5k mark!
You need to cross that mark doing something special.
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Congrats turbo

almost sold her a few years ago but couldn't part with her. felt much better to do some upgrades and keep what i felt so comfortable with. i love this plane and where it has brought me over the past 18 years. hope to pass the 5,000 mark and keep on going till.......... :) fly your bird, these planes are the best.

Congrats, Mate and your good for anothe 5000 in that RV. I miss my flying but enjoy reading your posts and others.
It will take me forever to catch you Turbo. Only 50 hours flown in January. :)


you are the man( the flying V ). i remember the days of 50 hour months of flying. after the first 2 years i had 1,200 hours on my plane. that was my life back then. time has change things but not the joy of strapping in and going some where. be safe out there and do us proud. :)
Turbo is the man

Hey buddy that's AWESOME. Quite an accomplishment. Let's do Sebring soon as I get back from Ohio.
Hey buddy that's AWESOME. Quite an accomplishment. Let's do Sebring soon as I get back from Ohio.

let me know when you are back in town. sebring or the old farts will work.
my nephews mom is across the street from buchan airport now. nice place. flew in last week for a visit.
The new


Yes the new wears off. I too remember flying 200+ hours the first year I completed my RV6, 1996. You,, 50 hours a month!! I never saw that.....
Now I am closer to 50 hours a year on my RV. Other airplanes have gotten my attention and mission creep has set in. I have logged about 2400 hours in RVs since 1996. My log book has passed 5,000 hours and climbing.
I think of selling The Borrowed Horse,,,, then fly it after a month of no movement,,,, and those selling thoughts go away. It?s Still the most fun airplane I have ever owned.