Night formation

The people in the stadium can see the landing light coming, then over the top the stadium lights illuminate us. They love it, can see us 5 miles out on the inbound & the stadium lights even illuminate the smoke!

Great video! And real nice flying too!

It's not often I've seen RV-formation flying in low light conditions so this was fun to watch!

And I'm impressed that the camera did such a great job in the low light conditions. Fun to watch that the position lights became brighter and the plane faded slightly as the light decreased.

Thanks alot for sharing!
If you time it with the end of the national anthem it would be even better. You'd need comm with someone on the ground.
Timing is everything!

We get a time hack from the band director, and a TOT "time over target". We have a way point for the stadium the GPS and start the countdown timer. We have actually hit a couple fly overs perfect!