Well Known Member
Finally got the email out to the local community.

The 4th annual ice cream social will be held at Inyokern, CA airport on March 3rd from 1100-1400. This year it will be held in the area next to the airport office, not in my hangar. I have attached a picture. The red circle indicates the area.

The ice cream social is just an excuse to get together, eat some free ice cream and fly.

If you would like to attend, please email me at axel_alvarez "at" hotmail "dot" com Use "Ice cream social" on the subject line of the email for spam filter reasons. If not, it will end up in the "trash/recycling bin" and I won't know you are coming. The head count will be used to figure out how much supplies my wife and I need to buy. All I need is your name and the number of people attending.

Some things to remember if you are not familiar with airport operations.
-Aircraft are the greatest invention of mankind however, they can also be dangerous. Treat every aircraft as if it were "ON". An encounter with a turning prop or intake can yield very bad injuries.
-Do not touch an aircraft unless you have the permission of the owner/pilot.
-You are responsible for yourself, kids, family, etc. NO EXEPTIONS! You are there at your own risk, be vigilant around the flight line.
-Please leave your pets at home. No need to have your dog, cat, lizard, liger, etc. around each other, food or aircraft. If you MUST bring your pet, please have it on a leash (especially if it is a liger).
-Please make sure you dispose of your trash. If you don't, it could potentially do damage to aircraft engines/props.

If the weather is bad, I will reschedule the event. Most likely it will be the following Saturday.

Hope to see you and your family there. The only thing better than ice cream is free ice cream.

Motivation :)

AHA, just the motivation I need to get the new radio installation finished:D
As I recall, last year you published a really nice map of the area that we should stay away from, can you put that back up, or is it still hot?
Will you be signing off "historical" aircraft for the CA tax exemption? (For those of us still pounding rivets...)
As I recall, last year you published a really nice map of the area that we should stay away from, can you put that back up, or is it still hot?

-The airport's web site is
-Our preferred runway is 33.
-Runway 20 is the only runway with non-standard traffic (right pattern).
-Click 3 times on 122.8 for AWOS info.
-R-2506 is closed on the weekends. During the week contact Joshua on 133.65 for clearance.
-When you are in the pattern, stay West of Highway 395 and out of the red are shown on the map below. The red area is the Naval Military Base.

I spoke with the airport manager. Gas for the event will be $4.89 per gallon. So... come with empty tanks.
Don’t forget about the ice cream social this Saturday. If you have not email me yet with a number, please do so. My wife and I have started buying stuff. Thanks.

The airport manager will do even better than previously stated with gas. It will be lowered to $4.76/gal FOR THE WEEKEND.
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The winds have died down. Current wind conditions are less than 5 kts and are predicted to be 4-5 kts. Be safe. See you soon.
The ice cream social went very well. The weather could have not been any better. We consumed 6 gallons of ice cream, 3 bottles of chocolate syrup, 2 of caramel, 4 cans of cherries, 3 bags of M&M, 2 bags of Reese?s pieces, a container of peanuts, four 2-liter root beer bottles and 4 cases of water. We estimate about 150 people and 35 airplanes.

I would like to thank everyone that came and spent their time with us. My apologies for not being able to speak with everyone for a significant amount of time. I feel really bad about it. I was extremely busy today. This event has grown every year, hence the reason we moved. Hope we can continue to entertain the group for many more years. I was so busy that I did not take any pictures, count the number of planes or people. If you have a few nice pictures, my wife and I would love to see them.

This event would have not been possible without every one of you but most importantly not possible without my wife. She busted her back side to have this nice event. I am a very lucky guy to have such an awesome wife (slash YouTube sensation) and great friends. If you would like to thank her, her email address is

Lasotagirl ?at? hotmail ?dot? com

Also, the airport manager and his crew help out tremendously. The gas price was lowered and his crew help with logistical support. They are receiving a review on Thur. If you appreciated the gas prices, the nice facilities and their efforts send me an email. I will go to the airport board meeting and present the emails to the board.

Thank you again and see you next year.

BTW, I got to eat Ice cream at 7PM :D

Thanks for hosting this! We had a fantastic flight down and back, enjoyed meeting a bunch of new people, seeing new planes, and eating ice cream. We'll try to post a few photos soon.

Greg & Julia
Very cool

Congratulations on a successful event! (any pics?)

These kinds of events really help keep the fun-meter pegged - good on ya!

Here are a few photos that Julia took. It was a great day for flying in terms of the weather and (lack of) wind, but not as good for scenic photos.

Sierra Nevada mountains near Mammoth CA

Small volcanic cones along the margin of Owens Valley

Basalt flow along Owens Valley

Independence, CA

Mt. Whitney

Owens Valley salt farms (who says you can't farm in the desert!)

The ice cream bar

Host Axel Alvarez

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Some RV photos (I don't know who owns all of these, but if anyone wants a higher-resolution image, please email me)

I know who owns this one - it's mine!

Great event

This gives me an idea to something like this in the Denver area. Maybe someday soon.

Looks like this was a good reason to exercise those Rv's! Great photos and the "wind-up" RV is priceless!
thank you for the pictures. They are awesome. I went by the news paper today and they had someone at the airport taking pictures. We had a lot of party crashers :eek: They gave me a file with many nice pics. Unfortunately I left on travel and can't use the media on my computer. I made a very quick video of our formation passes. No music, nothing special.

I am glad this gives ideas to others out there. Keep paying it forward . Maybe when we are too old to have a medical, we can get a ride from one of the kids that we inspired. Will post pics when I get back from travel.