
Well Known Member
My 496 used to start with the current date/ time. Now both are wrong and the unit takes forever (20 minutes) to aquire satellites and location. Any idea what is wrong?
Internal Battery?

Sounds like there may be an internal battery that's not working. That's why, I am told, My Street Pilot c330 shows the same symptoms.
Yes, most X96's will start doing this as soon as the internal backup battery runs dead.

With mine it seems the more you use it the better it will keep time.

Sometimes it is much faster to just do an AUTOLOCATE when it is way off on time and date.

Some have said you can open them up and change the battery yourself.
Almanac info

If the GPS is not giving you any error messages like "internal battery low" or something like that, I would say that it has an invalid almanac data file. This happens when the GPS has been off for an extended period of time, so when you turn it on, it does not know where look for the GPS satellites. That's why it takes about 20 min to acquire. Next time you turn it on, leave it on for about 2 hours after it acquires to give it time to download the current almanac data.

As I said, if there are no hardware error messages, this should solve your problem. Good luck.
When it boots up and times out after not finding satellites, when it prompts you for the Stored W/O Batteries selection.
take it (x96) home turn it on and charge overnight

Try this simple procedure to see if your unit works better after. No unit surgery required.

For now (since I'm not flying my RV yet) before I go on a business trip where I will use the 396, I turn it on, plug it in and let it charge on "house" current all evening, set the time zone to the destination city (load Mapsource maps on the memory card as required for the trip) and put it in my carry on. When I get to the "new location/city" turn the unit on holding the zoom out button. With this technique the unit finds satellites fairly quickly usually before the rental car bus gets to the rental car facility.

I think 296, 396 and 496 have the issue. As I understand it the internal battery will only charge when the unit is actually turned on, just plugged in at home is not enough. Similarly a 2 hour flight around the neighborhood $100 breakfast or burger does not provide enough time to charge the internal battery.

There have been a few threads describing these symptoms with a resolution procedure that involves opening the case, removing and replacing the battery inside on the board. There are a couple variations on the procedure, one approach is to replace the original battery with the same type, another is to replace with a socket and a removable battery.

Eventually I will also replace the internal battery using the procedures that have been posted here.

I hope this helps.

Dave Cordner
396 internal clock battery

*****original post*******
So for 3 or 4 months my Garmin 396 has had a hard time finding itself.
In the beginning if it sat unused for a couple weeks it took a while to find the satellites. Now if it sits for more than 3 days it would take several mins to find the satellites. (If your date and time on startup is wrong read on ) So I had enough after several calls to garmin and a few firmware updates and I decided to take a look and sure enough there is a MC621 Battery soldered to the CB inside the unit. This battery runs the clock in the unit so when you turn it on it will have some clue as to what satellites to find and where. I went to Radio Shack and bought a Wafer battery holder and 3v wafer battery and did my own upgrade. It is now a replaceable battery and all is well. I did find this link after the fact on the internet for a Garmin 276 battery replacement and it is the same for the 396.
I am sure as these units get older this will be an issue. I have a hanger neighbor that has the same problem with his 396 and we will do his next. So in a couple years when your 196/296/396/496 does this remember this link.....or send it to Garmin for $350 and a seven day turn around.
I did this on a Sunday and after a phone call today to Batterys Plus here in Lakeland FL I could have had a battery set up like the original for about 5 bucks (welded on solder tabs) ......but I think I will just leave mine as a replaceable.

**Just a note**My 396 was purchased as one of the first released a few years ago during OshKosh. YMMV

**Another Note** I asked the guy at Garmin today if his watch Battery Lasted 4 years when I called to see if they would sell the battery

I love my 396 and would have no other.....

Lakeland FL.

Since the original post ( 5 or 6 months ago) my 396 has work perfect and finds the satellites as fast as when it was new. No issues, the link in the post above has pictures and explains the process in detail. The way I see it you have 3 choices. 1) Deal with it taking a long time to find satellites. 2) send it to garmin for the new battery. 3) Open it up after looking at the link
and change the battery.

Thanks! Garmin's internal battery found

I sincerely appreciate everyone taking time to help with this issue. I'll order and replace the battery.
aftermarket batteries on Ebay

I just did this.
For $18 I bought a replacement battery and popped it in. No sweat.

So, I don't understand the options listed above like "pay Garmin $350 and wait 7 days" and "cut it open and replace the internal battery".

Just buy a replacement battery. $40 for Garmin brand, $18 for aftermarket. Your choice.

396/496 Autolocate

My 496 used to start with the current date/ time. Now both are wrong and the unit takes forever (20 minutes) to aquire satellites and location. Any idea what is wrong?

Getting back to the original question (I don't know how that previous post got into this thread), save your gas money and just hold the "OUT" button while you boot up your 396/496. Mine usually takes less than a minute to find itself.

As they say in here, search the archives. This question has been answered before.
Steve, they garmins have tiny little internal batteries that die, separate from the external battery you can buy on ebay. When they do, it takes several minutes for the unit to locate itself..

I just did this.
For $18 I bought a replacement battery and popped it in. No sweat.

So, I don't understand the options listed above like "pay Garmin $350 and wait 7 days" and "cut it open and replace the internal battery".

Just buy a replacement battery. $40 for Garmin brand, $18 for aftermarket. Your choice.

new software

the new software will slove the broblem by bypassing the 'hold out button' and doing it automaticly. this means no need to buy new battery and more $ for flying.:rolleyes:
From Garmin Today

Dear Dave,

Thank you for contacting Garmin International,

With the current software (4.90 for my 396) the real time clock battery is no longer used to acquire satellites. Let me know if you need any further assistance.

With Best Regards,


Aviation Product Support Specialist
funny semantics "external" and "internal" :)

Ah, Brian, thanks for clarifying. I was confused because of the discussion on another thread about batteries on the circuit board in the 430. But I understand now.

In fact, replacing my "external" internal battery didn't seem to do the trick. I guess I need either the newer software, or the new "internal" internal battery.

Thanks everyone
Thank you for contacting Garmin International,
With the current software (4.90 for my 396) the real time clock battery is no longer used to acquire satellites. Let me know if you need any further assistance.

Well, I did the software update on my 296 and the problem still occurrs, and I dont want to do the auto-locate routine everytime I fly. So...did the internal battery replacement operation the other day with the help of a friend rather than pay Garmin $250. I ordered a replacement battery from digi-key (part # "SY103-ND", described as "Batt Lith 3V Recharge"; $2.51). This thing already has the little tabs soldered on it, so it makes the job a little easier and quicker. The job requires being comfortable doing soldering on a small scale - a magnifying lense or hood is recommended.

Seems to be working A-ok now. The real test is after the unit is off for a week or more

*****original post*******

I did this on a Sunday and after a phone call today to Batterys Plus here in Lakeland FL I could have had a battery set up like the original for about 5 bucks (welded on solder tabs) ......but I think I will just leave mine as a replaceable.

Since the original post ( 5 or 6 months ago) my 396 has work perfect and finds the satellites as fast as when it was new. No issues, the link in the post above has pictures and explains the process in detail. The way I see it you have 3 choices. 1) Deal with it taking a long time to find satellites. 2) send it to garmin for the new battery. 3) Open it up after looking at the link
and change the battery.

Here is a link to the detailed procedure for replacing that "keep alive" battery: . Although my -296 loses its time/date after a week of non-use, I have not had courage enough to try to replace it.
I just helped Steve Smith replace the internal battery in his 396. I did the mechanical work and Steve did the soldering, and it seemed to be pretty easy except for the stress of mucking about inside a $1K box.

Leland's instructions were very helpful, but I didn't understand the part about the ribbon cable clips until I was trying to reconnect the cables. Here's a quickie diagram that shows how to disconnect and reconnect the two ribbon cables.


Thanks, Bob K.