Well Known Member
Is it possible to remove the 496 GPS from the panel without removing the avionics cover piece. I know there is a release on the left side, but it looks like I would have to remove a lot of material from the panel opening in order to get a screwdriver into that release catch.
Anyone have some thoughts on this?

Gary Krause
There should be (IF it was built according to plans) a small hole to the left of the 496 that one would put a tool into, push straight in and the 496 should release from the stock Garmin mount. If there is a hole there, try a welding rod or coat hanger or whatever is stiff enough and small enough to get in there.

If you have access to the plans, look at the page where it was built and you see what I am trying to describe.
Remove D180.

Remove the D180. Reach behind the 496 to disconnect wires & assist removal.:cool:

Thanks Guys,

In looking back at my build log, I see that I had circled this step to do later
if I needed to. Now I guess I need to!!

Thanks Again
First time removal

I'm trying to remove my GPS 496 from the panel to update the unit and I'm unable to remove it from the docking device. :( I've looked over installation pages 42-12 and 42-13 to refresh my memory of what it looks like behind the panel. :eek:

So at this point I've removed the D-180 and can somewhat get my hand behind the 496. Do you push the release clip in from the front side and at the same time push a rod through an open hole in the backside brace pushing the unit out? I can't believe this is the process! :eek:

For those of you who have removed the 496 from the panel, I await your suggestions. :) Thanks
There is a sliding lock on the hook that must be slid toward the nose of the aircraft. Then you can pull the catch arm away from the GPS an pop it loose. I didn't set mine up for removal from the front, and the last time I removed it (about a week ago) I puzzled over how you get it out if you didn't enlarge the opening. I ended up removing the whole cradle to get it out.

I disconnected the XM antenna and plugged in a USB cable that I ran through the avionics bay deck. I wasn't using the XM anyway, so it was no issue. Now I can update without removing the unit. The cable is velcroed to the deck bottom near the POH tray when not in use.
Slide a pick in the small hole to the left of the unit and push inward and if you clearanced the unit sufficiently during the installation, it should pop out. As I recall, I did spend a fair bit of time making sure the unit would come out for me without removing anything else. I would think that removing the D180 or the AP74 would enable you to get it out.
Thanks guys

I've tried everything I can think of to remove the unit but no luck. I can release the lock on the left (pushing a rod through the small hole) but I just don't have enough clearance around the unit for it to come out one edge at a time. Soooooooo, (I didn't want to) I'm going to take the top of the instrument bay off and access in that fashion. I can guaranty you the next time the unit has to be updated, it will easily come out of the panel or I'll have an external connection port. :D

Thanks for the suggestions. :) Steve
GPS removal

I've tried everything I can think of to remove the unit but no luck. I can release the lock on the left (pushing a rod through the small hole) but I just don't have enough clearance around the unit for it to come out one edge at a time. Soooooooo, (I didn't want to) I'm going to take the top of the instrument bay off and access in that fashion. I can guaranty you the next time the unit has to be updated, it will easily come out of the panel or I'll have an external connection port. :D

Thanks for the suggestions. :) Steve

Steve, I did not enlarge the hole in the center panel so as to be able to remove the Garmin GPS from the front. To open the front center panel enough to remove the Garmin leaves an unsightly gap. I normally plan to update it whenever (annual) I have the instrument cover off and take the GPS out, from the back, to take home to update. The problem with updating with an external connection is that Garmin pretty much requires that the thing be connected to a computer with internet connection which I don't have in or near my hangar. They are not as enlightened as Dynon in that regard. I have since purchased a new center panel and an Airgizmo for the GPS which allows you to simply remove it by pushing the button on the left side.

Now that I have installed a canopy lock I feel I can leave the airplane, brief periods anyway, without the GPS or the headset disappearing.

I have not installed this yet because of the hassle of pulling out the engine control and cabin heat cables. I am thinking about doing the Bill_H Center Panel Mod so the center panel can be removed without taking out the cables.
Already on order

Tony, thanks for the suggestion. I have already ordered a panel dock by Air Gizmos through Aircraft Spruce for the 496. I'll have to enlarge the hole, but it will be worth the effort when I need to update the unit again. Now I'm trying to think of "other things" to do since I have the top cover off.......?
Steve, I did not enlarge the hole in the center panel so as to be able to remove the Garmin GPS from the front. To open the front center panel enough to remove the Garmin leaves an unsightly gap. I normally plan to update it whenever (annual) I have the instrument cover off and take the GPS out, from the back, to take home to update. The problem with updating with an external connection is that Garmin pretty much requires that the thing be connected to a computer with internet connection which I don't have in or near my hangar. They are not as enlightened as Dynon in that regard. I have since purchased a new center panel and an Airgizmo for the GPS which allows you to simply remove it by pushing the button on the left side.

Now that I have installed a canopy lock I feel I can leave the airplane, brief periods anyway, without the GPS or the headset disappearing.

I have not installed this yet because of the hassle of pulling out the engine control and cabin heat cables. I am thinking about doing the Bill_H Center Panel Mod so the center panel can be removed without taking out the cables.

To clarify, I did angle my gps toward the left by cutting the bushings on the right side of the unit shorter. I like this small mod quite a bit. By doing this, a large portion of the right side of the gps is already protruding from the right side of the panel. When I release the lock on the left side of the mount, I have enough of the gps to grab with my fingertips and it pops right out. If done carefully, and filing just the area of the panels that interfere with the gps, you will not have any gaposis. It does take some trial and error, but the finish results are good.
Tony, what type of canopy lock did you use?
Canopy lock

I used the one "Jetguy" posted early in the sticky thread of modification to your ELSA. He has several posted pictures. My plane sits in my backyard in a locked hanger 99% of the time. For the rare times of parking outside for longer times, I do have a canopy cover made by "RDog" which hides those "wandering eyes". Nothing is fool proof, but I've never had any problems in the past leaving my headsets or IPad in the airplane while I have breakfast or lunch someplace.

I don't think I'm going to angle my equipment. I believe I have to widen the width of the existing hole to the rails for connection of the docking station, but the height not as much so the unit will stick out about a 1/4" or so. I'll just have to wait and see after I receive my docking station to know what I'm going to do.

I wanted a nice clean appearance on the original GPS installation so I had very close tolerances around the unit. That lead to my issues. I never had to remove equipment before for updates in any other airplane I owned, so this was a painful learning curve.
I have an AirGizmo dock and cover I never used. If anybody wants them send me a PM. I'll sell them for $35 including postage.
