
Well Known Member
I searched and found no problems with 49-12 and yet I cannot mount the oil cooler. I installed the K1000-08 nut plates as directed. The AN525-10R10 screw does not seem to fit into the nut plate. Perhaps I have the wrong screw. OR

the K1000-08 nut plate needs a #8 screw
the AN525-10R10 is a #10 screw

Not sure what is going on here.

Should an AN525-10R10 screw work with a K1000-08 nut plate?

Jeff - I looked at my plans and the nutplate shown on both version 2 and 3 of section 49-12 show the nutplate in question as a K1000-3 and not a K1000-8 you are referring to.
Jeff - I looked at my plans and the nutplate shown on both version 2 and 3 of section 49-12 show the nutplate in question as a K1000-3 and not a K1000-8 you are referring to.

That makes more sense. Please look at my plans. What am I missing?


I appear to have version 3 of 49-12.
Just my luck. I apparently have the Star Wars Tie Fighter plans from an alternative universe.

This makes me lose confidence in Van's document configuration control! :mad:

Anyone on the fence about buying an RV kit, that will be overly frustrated and upset by an occasional plans error.... please do not buy one. The goal of the people that design and develop the kits is for people to have fun and enjoy the process.... not induce frustration and anger.

Mistakes happen. The plans are written and updated by humans.....

The couple of minor errors that have popped up in the past couple days have already been noted and will be corrected.

Not intended as a defense, but my suggestion is to brows the RV-12 forum for the past couple years and see how many complaints about plans errors you find that ended up being legit errors (I think you find that the majority of the time someone points out the persons error in understanding rather than confirming that there is a plans problem).
Anyone on the fence about buying an RV kit, that will be overly frustrated and upset by an occasional plans error.... please do not buy one.

That is a harsh critisizm in terms of salemanship imho. I didn't mean to imply Van's in not doing a good job in documentation, in fact Van's engineers are doing a great job. I tried to emphesize that configuration control could easily catch this. May be I picked the wrong emoji and I apologize for this.
I follow your posts in the forum closely and find them very helpful. I am actually a big fan of your enthusiasm and your approach.:)
Finaly, thanks to Van's bringing this design into the market!
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I didn't mean to imply Van's in not doing a good job in documentation, in fact Van's engineers are doing a great job. I tried to emphesize that configuration control could easily catch this.

And all I meant to imply was that even with configuration control, things can happen.
The only reason I mentioned looking through the forums was to indicate that errors in the plans have gotten to be few and far between, so yea, I guess I feel that one error popping up every once in a while doesn't really justify stirring up the idea of loosing confidence in the documentation configuration control, unless someone thinks that having such things in place means absolutely zero errors;)
And all I meant to imply was that even with configuration control, things can happen.
The only reason I mentioned looking through the forums was to indicate that errors in the plans have gotten to be few and far between, so yea, I guess I feel that one error popping up every once in a while doesn't really justify stirring up the idea of loosing confidence in the documentation configuration control, unless someone thinks that having such things in place means absolutely zero errors;)

May be my background of manufacturing in military standards set my expectations quite high. I spent more than 20 years in the manufacturing of military electronics and armored vehicles. :D
Overall, outstanding performance from Van's. I feel obligated to appreciate their performance in kit plane business. :)
May be my background of manufacturing in military standards set my expectations quite high. I spent more than 20 years in the manufacturing of military electronics and armored vehicles. :D
Overall, outstanding performance from Van's. I feel obligated to appreciate their performance in kit plane business. :)

I imagine you did work to higher standards in that environment, but I would bet it still didn't result in zero errors, and it probably involved a complex and laborious paperwork process to report them and get them fixed:rolleyes:
Thanks to everyone who replied to my post. I was able to complete 49-12 Step 5. Indeed, the screw actually attached this time :).
