Thinking about a GNS-480/SL70R/Navworx 600B installation?. Trying to plan the data connections. Not getting as much help as I hoped from the installation manuals.

I know others have been here?.What am I missing?

It looks to me that if I implement the two RS-232 lines, one in each direction between the SL-70R and the ?480, on the specified IO 6 I will be almost finished.

Reading the documentation further, it looks like if I connect a parallel gray code altitude input to the transponder, it will make its way to the ?480 meeting that box?s requirement for altitude in.

Is it further true that if instead of the parallel altitude input, I connect RS-232 altitude to input 8 on the 480 that somehow ALT will get to the SL-70R? That would be the only altitude input to the ?480 or the SL70R tpx and would be very convenient.

Relative to the 600B, I have had success in one installation connecting the 429 output set for 743A to the 600B for ADS-B position. (I will be using the other 429 output for GPSS). And of course I'll connect the clock.

What about altitude and squak for the 600B? That same installation got the squak from a transmon and altitude from another source (?). Is there some place in RS-232 land with the other boxes that I can get altitude and/or squak for the 600B directly?

I had thought of using the SSD-120 nano encoder with the parallel output hooked directly to the SL70 and the serial output connected to the 600B; then transon for squak.

Hoping this is an easy Q for you experts. Thanks in advance, Bill Hale
I am imagining the second transponder output on the SL-70 might have what
I need. Can't believe no one has done this.

My SL-70 feeds my ADS600b altitude and squawk from the single SL-70 serial output. SL-70 needs to be in extended mode and the ADS600B needs to be using the SL-70 as its control head. I have grey in to the SL-70 for altitude in from the encoder. SL-70 feeds my ADS600B and MX-20.

Your SL-70R may have multiple outputs - I haven't memorized the R manual...I have a 430W providing position source to the ADS600B.

Works fine - lasts long time!
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Ralph, thanks for the response. The R has to speak back to its control head
with RS-232. --- that would be the 480 in this case. So the second RS-232
out which supposedly duplicates the first could go to the 600B. I have decided
to breadboard all this before installing to verify that it works and to have a setup
that can be used to test the various boxes in the future. BH
So I finished my data breadboard with the 600B/480/SL70R.

The data flows around just fine. I get green on my position and ID blocks
on the Navworx setup tool.

But: TX is Red, not enabled!

A clue (maybe) is that the ADS-B Box is "UNKNOWN". I think it should say ADS600-B Ready. So I wonder if the lack of an ID is inhibiting the TX.

Any ideas? I'd hoped this would just work and most of it does except the
important part. I get even get traffic displayed from 978 in

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Is your SL-70R in altitude mode?
When I turn Alt mode on, the red TX goes out and everything works fine.
Well, recapen, aren't you the smart guy!! That was it. Thanks SO much for responding. I was on the wrong trail--tho if I was flying it I"d have eventually caught the problem.

The thing still thinks it's "unknown." Don't know if that will affect the report.
I'll fly the breadboard soon to see. If the report is clean, it might even be better.

Do we think the 600B does anonymous mode if the transponder code is 1200?
Doesn't really say anywhere. I have SW version 4.1.0.

If you pm me an email, I'll send a pix of my breadboard. You might get a
hoot off of it! It's real wood!

Bill Hale

Having chased that alligator a while ago, I stumbled upon the result as well.
Where does it still say "unknown"? I can check mine in the same place and see what it says...
It says "Unknown Ready for Flight".

At the bottom of each of the tool pages there is a large white area.

It says "Received Configuration Update, Product ID Unknown"

My sample where I helped a Bonanza guy get his working says

"Received Configuration Update, Transceiver ADS600-B". The samples in
the manual show something different but they do say

"ADS600-B Ready for Flight"

Normally for stuff like this, I would say reload the software after a reset... But if that doesn't work or there's a glitch, you now have an oversized paperweight!

PM sent! Interested in the wooden breadboard!

No it is not anonymous...1200 will still get you a PAPR based on your N number...anonymous mode was supposed to be in the 5.0 version of software that was never released!