
Well Known Member
I have found 426-type oops rivets, but I haven't been able to find oops rivets for 470-type heads.

Anyone know if they are made or where I could purchase a handful?


Good question! I was looking for the same thing last night. Please let us know if you find any.


With the 426 rivets you already have a dimple and/or countersink that could be difficult to make larger, and is probably visible when the plane is done. But with a 470 you should be able to just expand the hole and use the next larger diameter rivet without any issues.

The manufactured head would be visibly larger than the surrounding rivets. I'm not sure how noticeably different the shop head would be. However, there are not too many places in RVs where a line of 470 rivet heads is visible after you are finished building.

Am I missing something here?
I wanna know where they used 470ad3 rivets to begin, my plane dud'nt use em.

Maybe you need a size bigger than 1/8"?

If so use a #8 screw instead. Like morlino said, if a 470 rivet was originally called out you probably won't care what it looks like anyway.

GAH has oversize rivets with standard size heads in both 426 and 470. They are halfway in diameter between a standard rivet and an oops rivet. Example: the #4 470 rivet is .140" diameter whilst a standard #4 rivet is 1/8" or .125"
Awesome, but what exactly is GAH an acronym for? That's exactly what I'm needing!

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