
Well Known Member
So I'm probably going to pull my GNS 430W and replace it with a GTN 650. Yes, I know that an IFD 440 is a plug and play replacement but some future considerations make the 650 a better long term choice for me. I've started looking at the wiring pinouts from the 430W and 650 installation manuals and begun mapping the wiring changes.

It has me wondering if any firm has created a harness to map the 430 to 650 wiring changes to make the conversion process almost plug and play. I contacted Stein and they do not have one. Does anyone know of such a conversion harness from another firm? Thanks!
Not that I know of. It was not too bad. I was able to use most of the 430 pins into the 650 connector.
you're going to replace the com sockets with pins, remove the glideslope diplixer, and replace the gps coax bnc with a tnc. I think the Nav breaker needs to be updated to 7.5A if you currently have a 5A breaker.

The rest is simply a pin swap to the new connectors. Adding an intermediate harness might complicate things, and add another failure point. There are likely only about 8 connectors (all on the COM connector) that need to be re-pinned, I'd say just go that route.
you're going to replace the com sockets with pins, remove the glideslope diplixer, and replace the gps coax bnc with a tnc. I think the Nav breaker needs to be updated to 7.5A if you currently have a 5A breaker.

The rest is simply a pin swap to the new connectors. Adding an intermediate harness might complicate things, and add another failure point. There are likely only about 8 connectors (all on the COM connector) that need to be re-pinned, I'd say just go that route.

Can you please exspand on the com sockets with pins and BNC to TNC. I did the 430 to 650 swap and while I can receive on the comm I cannot transmit on it… swapped everything off the 430 to 650, did I miss something?
Can you please exspand on the com sockets with pins and BNC to TNC. I did the 430 to 650 swap and while I can receive on the comm I cannot transmit on it… swapped everything off the 430 to 650, did I miss something?


Sounds like you already completed the install, without more specifics it’ll be hard to figure out why you’re having issues. I’d look hard at the PTT wiring though.

To answer your question specifically, and for future reference here is what is needed in a gns 430w to GTN 750 conversion

  • Change com connectors from female sockets to male pins
  • Change the GPS antenna coax connector from BNC to TNC
  • Remove any glideslope diplexer

Hope that helps