pierre smith

Well Known Member
Maybe I'm dreaming but after last Saturday's IFR refresher lesson, I got to wondering about the possibility of having next waypoint info on the D-100's HSI page or on mid-screen during a GPS approach. How 'bout procedure turn depiction like on the 430W's screen? Then MAP path as well?

How 'bout the LVP approach with the IAF's and FAF on the D-100 as well?
Is there any possibility it can be set up to do these? Can either AFS or GRT do this?

GRT will show the all segment of the approach, the current segment is shown in magenta and the next legs are in White. Of course this is for a GPS approach and not ILS. All my ILS flight have been vector to final which GRT puts the final on the map/HSI. I have not tried ILS other then vector to final.

Good luck
Thanks Mehrd...

...somehow, in the back of my mind, I have this feeling that the Skyview may just incorporate what I'm asking;)

How 'bout it, Dynon? Any hints?
